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Thread: Compact system which one??

  1. #21

    Re: Compact system which one??

    Thanks guys... I am looking for something a bit cheaper though as I may not sell my x10 until I'm sure that the CSC is better for my needs.
    I will be buying second hand most likely, ideally one that has focus peaking too . I saw the nex C3

  2. #22
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: Compact system which one??

    I use a Nex-5n, very compact, has peaking - low price point on the secondary market. If focus speed is a concern would look at a used nex-6, has phase. focus and vs contrast. -

  3. #23

    Re: Compact system which one??

    Quote Originally Posted by PhotoRob View Post
    I use a Nex-5n, very compact, has peaking - low price point on the secondary market. If focus speed is a concern would look at a used nex-6, has phase. focus and vs contrast. -
    Thanks will check this out....

  4. #24

    Compact system which one??

    I think I am leaning towards a Nex... Any suggestions on any good manual focus lenses that won't break the bank. I don't mind using the canon 1.8 either even though it has no manual aperture . I have used it previously at gigs on manual focus at 1.8 & surely the peaking can only help the success rate?

    Mind you I have just watched digital rev review & they don't like the quality of the lenses. Don't want to be swayed too much by reviews but they liked the X10. Also a lot of folk on dpreview prefer x10 over csc for image quality. I thought sensor size wins... Apologies if I'm being naive.

    I have also been comparing the raw files and the nex c3 raw has less noise than 60D.

    I have also saw some amazing gig shots on the M4/3 groups on flickr too. I may have to pay a visit to camera shop and try a few out.
    Last edited by macca1980; 20th May 2014 at 02:38 PM.

  5. #25

    Re: Compact system which one??

    Quote Originally Posted by PhotoRob View Post
    I use a Nex-5n, very compact, has peaking - low price point on the secondary market. If focus speed is a concern would look at a used nex-6, has phase. focus and vs contrast. -
    Ordered a 5n from eBay . Should have it soon.

  6. #26
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Compact system which one??

    I had the opportunity to use the Nex-7 a couple of months ago. While I liked the body itself and some of the functionality, I would suggest that the lenses could be considered the weak point of the system. The newer Sony lenses seemed to be less robust than the competition and I would tend to believe the reviews that criticise the quality of the glass.

    I did a side by side comparison with shots taken between the Sony and my D800 (primarily shooting pro glass) and was not particularly impressed. I agree that the comparison is a bit apple and oranges but....

  7. #27

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    Re: Compact system which one??

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I had the opportunity to use the Nex-7 a couple of months ago. While I liked the body itself and some of the functionality, I would suggest that the lenses could be considered the weak point of the system. The newer Sony lenses seemed to be less robust than the competition and I would tend to believe the reviews that criticise the quality of the glass.
    I'd agree on the zooms but there are some decent primes..... e.g the Zeiss 12, 32 and the Sony Zeiss 23

  8. #28
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Compact system which one??

    Quote Originally Posted by thequacksoflife View Post
    I'd agree on the zooms but there are some decent primes..... e.g the Zeiss 12, 32 and the Sony Zeiss 23
    Could be; I only used the zooms, so I can't comment on the primes.

    I suspect that the Zeiss arrangement with Sony is likely similar to the one that Leica has with Panasonic; the lens has to meet some fairly decent standards with respect to optical performance and mechanical build quality.

  9. #29

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    Re: Compact system which one??

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Could be; I only used the zooms, so I can't comment on the primes.

    I suspect that the Zeiss arrangement with Sony is likely similar to the one that Leica has with Panasonic; the lens has to meet some fairly decent standards with respect to optical performance and mechanical build quality.
    the zeiss 12/32 are I believe zeiss lenses as there are fuji variants.......

    could be wrong though!

  10. #30
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    Re: Compact system which one??

    sony A6000 or Panasonic GX7

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