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Thread: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    I have been making all of my monochrome photos using Nikon Capture NX2 and finally got around to spending several hours learning my way around Silver Efex Pro 2.

    It might be helpful for people considering using Silver Efex Pro to review my impressions. That's especially true for users of Capture NX2, as Nikon has officially announced that they will very soon drop support of the product. I will eventually have to abandon it, if for no other reason than that it won't work with future computer operating systems.

    I am using the Silver Efex Pro version that is a plug-in to Lightroom. As you read my evaluation, keep in mind that everything that can be done using that version can also be done and more using the Photoshop Elements or the Photoshop CS and CC plug-in.

    If something explained below is wrong or confusing, please speak up!

    I'm not surprised that there is nothing that can be achieved using Silver Efex Pro that can't also be achieved using Capture NX2. However, I am pleased that the program is so user-friendly and robust; its reputation as a quality product is well deserved and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. Indeed, I will immediately switch to using Silver Efex Pro at least when making monochromes that can benefit from using its Zone System and Structure tools (more about them below).

    GOOD STUFF that is the same as or similar to CNX2
    • Control Point technology included in Capture NX2 is also included in Silver Efex Pro. That is the primary reason I licensed the product without taking the time to test drive it.
    • Converting from color to monochrome can be done using a filter that is any color in the spectrum.
    • Tones of the color version can be changed to render the ideal luminosity in the monochrome version. That can be done without having to exit the program.
    • Complete range of tools that effectively and easily control tone, contrast, texture and grain

    GOOD STUFF that is better than in CNX2
    Zone System tool: Selecting any of the 11 zones automatically displays where those tones are present in the image.

    Coupling Control Points with the Zone System tool: Provides a graphical display as a visual tool that makes it easy to change tonalities of one area of an image to match the tonalities of another area. (No comparable capability in CNX2.)

    Structure tools: Sliders globally control texture independently in three tonal ranges and a fourth slider controls micro contrast to affect texture. A Control Point parameter locally controls texture. (The same results can be achieved using the High Pass tool in CNX2, but more time and effort is required to match the control of Silver Efex Pro.)

    Toning: Sliders that apply the tone differently to dark and bright areas.

    Vignette tool: Provides lots of automated control (limited vignette automation in CNX2)

    Conversion Filter: When applying the strength of the filter, there is increased control of the subtlety compared to applying CNX2's filter strength.

    Controlling a mask: There is no brush (though there is one with limited capability when using Photoshop Elements, CS or CC plug-ins). Opacity of the control points cannot be reduced. The area being masked is not automatically displayed; you have to enable display of the mask. (Control is better using CNX2.)

    Histogram: Doesn't clearly display the right and left sides (unlike all other histograms I have seen)

    Tools display order: Several of the tools are displayed in an order that is not consistent with workflow best practices. Examples include the Color Filter, Levels & Curve, and Sensitivity tools.

    Resetting the Levels & Curve tool:
    Clicking the Reset icon in the Film Types panel will return all adjustments in that panel to the default settings. So, the important ramification is to adjust the Levels and Curves before making any other adjustments in that panel, which happens to be a best-practice workflow. If you want to return the Levels and Curves adjustments to the default settings, simply click the Reset button pertaining to the Film Types panel. Only that tool's settings will change because all of the other tools in the panel will already be at the default settings.

    Toning: Cannot save settings by themselves as custom presets
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 10th July 2014 at 07:02 AM. Reason: To correct an error Mike discovered later

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    I just recently purchased after doing the trial. I didn't use Silver Efex during the trial period and after purchasing ran into a software glitch that would crash the program. Luckily, if you peruse the FAQs there is a work around, use choice #3 as the other two options did nothing to improve the problem.

    Regarding the software for converting to B & W, I was planning to do a comparative edit between PSE and the plug-in, never got around to it. Spent most of the trial and afterwards using Dfine2, Viveza, and Color Efex. Another member on this forum has presented some very good conversions so I know the capability is there.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    So, where are the pics? You did not mention the selection of film analogs that offer a curve and set.of sensitivities with a level of grain all of which can be altered precisely. With the presets, there is no wanting ideas.

  4. #4

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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Brev00 View Post
    So, where are the pics?
    This is the first and only photo so far. I will be posting more in the coming days.

    You did not mention the selection of film analogs that offer a curve and set.of sensitivities with a level of grain all of which can be altered precisely. With the presets, there is no wanting ideas.
    You're right that I didn't mention a lot of capabilities with regard to the presets. That's because I rarely use them in my post-processing, preferring instead to approach each image on its own from scratch as much as possible. In addition to the 20 or so film presets you mentioned, there are 38 monochrome style presets including some with frames, about 25 toning presets, seven vignette presets, four presets for burnt edges and 14 frame presets.

    It's easy to tweak a preset to your liking or to create a custom preset from scratch. You can then export it to a file for future use. That also makes it easy for photographers to share custom presets. I do use a limited number of custom presets regularly, such as a few toning presets, and have already created a sepia custom preset that works better for me than any of the sepia presets built into the app. EDIT: See my next post, which corrects the information about the sepia custom preset.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 21st May 2014 at 06:37 PM.

  5. #5

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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    I like working off of the presets--so easy to modify to taste. I prefer the tones in Topaz BW Effects. I will occasionally adjust the Silver Efex tones but usually prefer to open the image in BW Effects which has an awesome selection of tones and, again, the capacity to adjust them to taste. For borders, I like Perfect Effects 8 which gives me the ability to fit the image into whatever size border I choose. Doing stuff all the way from scratch? Go for it! Amazing that Silver Efex gives one the ability to work with so many different approaches.

  6. #6

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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    I wrote in my previous post that I had saved sepia toning settings as a custom preset. I just now realized that I had only recorded those settings. Worse yet, it's not possible to save custom toning settings by themselves as a preset, at least not as far as I can tell.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 21st May 2014 at 08:01 PM.

  7. #7

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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    Now that I have learned a little more of my way around SEP2, I realize that I made a mistake in my initial post about the capability of the application. Unfortunately, the forum software doesn't allow me to edit that post at such a late date. The correction is explained below and I apologize for making the mistake in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Resetting the Levels & Curve tool: The only way to reset the Levels & Curve tool to the default setting is to use the History panel to return to the previous edit made using a different tool. (CNX2's tool has a button that automatically resets it.)
    Wrong! Clicking the Reset icon in the Film Types panel will return all adjustments in that panel to the default settings. So, the important ramification is to adjust the Levels and Curves before making any other adjustments in that panel, which happens to be a best-practice workflow. If you want to return the Levels and Curves adjustments to the default settings, simply click the Reset button pertaining to the Film Types panel. Only that tool's settings will change because all of the other tools in the panel will already be at the default settings.

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    Hi Mike,

    I have found this thread interesting - thank you for taking the time to write this all out for us.

    I have just installed, but not yet used, LR as part of my CC subscription. Like you, I am not a fan of "preset effects" as a general rule, I also prefer to analyse an image, decide what it needs - and do that. However, if using a few saves me time, I could be tempted

    Unfortunately, the forum software doesn't allow me to edit that post at such a late date.
    I don't understand why you cannot edit the first post (although others have said similar) - would you like me too?
    It's the least I can do.


  9. #9

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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I don't understand why you cannot edit the first post
    Because there is no "Edit Post" button. How's that for a really snarky answer? My guess is that button is removed after a certain period of time.

    That's very nice of you to offer to edit the initial post. Please do, as that will benefit people reading it the first time. Thank you!

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: First impressions of Google/Nik Silver Efex Pro 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Because there is no "Edit Post" button. How's that for a really snarky answer?
    Yeah, that's pretty good Mike

    Edit made, let me know if it needs a tweak.

    When happy, shall I delete post #7, some of my #8, #9, #10 and your reply to this query, to keep it simple for future readers? (I am thinking they don't really need all this 'chaff' do they?)


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