Nice capture Manfred,the clouds look amazing,just a suggestion,have you tried cropping a little of the bottom? IMO it makes for a stronger image!
Thanks David - I did look at the crop and found the opposite and put the material back in. Removing it just seemd to produce an unbalanced image. I looked at cropping the top as well and again, same issue.
Very nice clouds Manfred I actually had the same idea as David had about cropping the bottom but you say that it doesn't work. IMO small elements like stones and dirt make the composition crowded. I like the curve and reflections in the foreground. May be you can clone out some of the stones and dirt to get a cleaner and less busy composition. Just an idea but I really don't know if it works
Possibly depends on how much you crop? I was thinking about reducing that bottom stony area by around half.
As long as I do the same to the clouds to balance things out, it does work. It was one of the crops I was looking at posting, but decided on this one, rather than a 16:9 format. I'll have to post that version when I get a chance.
I don't think the balance looks quite right here, with the clouds needing more foreground to add counterbalance to the image.
Last edited by Manfred M; 22nd May 2014 at 01:11 PM. Reason: Added the image