Nice pose! I also prefer #2 for contrasts/tones. Well done, John.
Everything but the deer look better in second image. The deer don't look natural IMO. But my frame of reference is southern whitetails. Maybe they're darker in you neck of the woods.
I prefer the first one. The 2nd just seems a bit over-saturated to me.
I prefer the first one due to the more natural saturation. However, the lack of sharpness is probably due to a shutter speed that is too slow, especially if your system didn't include stabilization.
I am also with you John,#2 for me nice image!
Wonderful pictures. I prefer the second image but I have to say I am a bit distracted by the bright sky.
Thanks for the comments. The system does include stabilization however as I was using a 2x extender the camera auto focuses more efficiently using the LCD rather than the viewfinder. On later shots I tried altering my stance and using my left arm as a balance.
I like #2
My primary software has a Levels & Curves tool. It also has the same levels and curve capabilities built into a different tool called by a different (confusing) name. One of the reasons for the second tool is that changing the curve using the Levels & Curves tool changes the tones of a color image whereas making the exact same changes using the other tool does not. I wonder if your Levels & Curve tool is also changing the color.
It's possible with the Curves tool and I guess it depends on which one I use (contrast, midtone, etc.). The midtone Curve tool gives the same look as the Auto Levels tool. I don't get any satisfying changes with the Levels tool unless I use the eye droppers. I used PSE8 for these edits. I will do another edit later and see how much my RGB values change between edits.
John, I prefer #1 as I think the colors are more true given the apparent light condition. It looks like overcast and/or lifting fog. I think the second image would be closer if they were in bright(er) sunlight.
I like the composition, typical deer behavior and in the cemetery it shows how close they like to live to us.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. The weather on the day this was shot was around 63 degrees F and within minutes the temperature dropped about 5 degrees or more with swift cloud cover, only to return to its original temperature 30 minutes later. The cemetery is in the middle of the city and I suspect the deer travel about nine miles following a creek that flows through a darkened tunnel most of that nine mile journey. It's the only way they could get to the cemetery safely without getting hit by the heavy traffic that flows around the cemetery.