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I did upgrade my hard drive when I bought the D800, but I was running out of room anyways.
In terms of loading the files, if your computer has a USB 3.0 port, that will make a lot of difference. It takes marginally longer than with smaller files, but if you have a lot, yes it can make some difference. I use Photoshop CC for all of my processing and doing the edits takes does not seem to take any longer than when I use 12MP or 16MP files.
I'm someone that uses a lot (and I mean a lot) of layers in my edits, so PS creates some fairly large files (several hundred MB is not at all unusual). Again, these take longer to save than smaller files, but again really not a problem.
If your question is, "would you buy another D800", the answer is definitely and resoundingly a "yes". If I were to do it again, I might consider the D800E. I was a bit worried about moiré, when I went this route, but have only seen this once in my work, so much less of an issue that the "experts" thought.