You've got me at it again Manfred. What I find noise wise via Dpreview is that the D800 isn't disimilar to the D7000 and a number of others. Also that against those levels of camera the 2 stop full frame advantage is more like 1 stop. I've only seen the 2 stop claim posted on CinC never in a review.
Pictorially, this is crops it looks like this
To be honest though I do wonder about these as a newer camera version is always better than the previous ones. The manufacturer might interfer with numbers that raw converters use or maybe Adobe never completely turn noise reduction off. Some new versions do contain new sensors though so pass.
Graph wise just for chroma which can tend to be the most pesky they look like this
The more I go into it currently I see full frame gaining 1 stop iso wise against crop or m 4/3. Where it does really gain over both is in terms of good old line widths per pixel height basically because the frame is bigger. This doesn't prevent huge prints being made from either of the 2 smaller formats.
The reason the 6D is there is certain things relating to light levels and focusing. Not sure where Nikon fit in on that aspect yet. Also as usual they tend to have lower dark noise figures. Part of me is beginning to think there are no real practical advantages to encourage me to spend money on a full frame camera. The fact that I wouldn't really gain on ISO via a D800 does put me off that one though. Each to his or her own really.