Wow! That is "in your face red" Brian.
Nice shot, nice separation. All I could suggest, but who am IIs a shallower DOF for background bokeh
Nicely captured, very vivid.
Red flowers are so difficult to photograph so you have nicely constrained the exposure there, Brian.
Sorry if I appeared critical, It is an excellent shot.
Bokeh is simply "background blur" Too sharp a background can be a distraction, just right and your subject is enhanced
This explains it a lot better than I could.
It has some good examples as you scroll down.
Ken, My wife bought me my first camera less than a year ago. I found and joined this group because while I have a good eye I had no skills to go with it. Many people in this group have been very critical of my shots. But each and every time they, like you, offered a way to correct what they thought needed correcting. My skills still have a long way to go so please do criticize where and when you see a need.