Over the weekend I spent about an hour each of two mornings shooting a few sea otters. They were there in abundance and winds were calm. And IMO effective sea otter shots require smooth, colorful water. About one out of five animals are patient enough with the boat to allow us to get close enough to shoot. I can tell almost immediately when I see them. If they lift their heads up above the surface to look at you, you might as well forget about it. If they lay there ignoring you or just roll their heads in your direction, you've got a winner. So what's needed are:
1. a patient critter
2. glassy smooth water
3. something in the BG to give the water color(via reflection) or glacial "bloom" in the water which turns it turquoise blue.
4. diffused light works best
These first three shot with D7100, 500mm VR, handheld. All uploaded at 1200px so viewing in the lightbox is best.
1. This was shot fairly close to a hillside covered with evergreens thus the deep green water color.
2. Same critter a little ways away and lots closer. Hillside is farther away so the green is not as deep. My closest ever FF shot of one other than around a marina.
3. Mom and baby in same area. The small babies like this one rarely lift their heads nor even open there eyes. They sleep away on mom's chest, totally reliant on her to protect them.
The second morning it was MUCH earlier/darker so these were shot with the D800E, 500mm VR, Bushhawk.
4. The water color was due to seaweed covered rocks in the BG. The skinned nose identifies this one as a female. During mating the male otter bites the female on the nose to hold on to her. They're such animals!
5. The same critter a few yards away with a distant BG so the natural color of the water as lit by the grey, overcast sky.
Sea otters rarely haul out of the water and then only on ice or rocks isolated from the shore. We were lucky enough to find a few of them hauled out on the rocks at low tide. These are the type of rocks that provided the BG color for shot no.4 above. They are extremely cautious out of the water and won't let the boat get anywhere near them. So the following shot is substantially cropped. It does give a good look at how big the hind foot/flipper is.