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Thread: What's wrong with this bird image?

  1. #1
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    What's wrong with this bird image?

    I am going to try to post images from time to time asking what is wrong with it. After your comments I will then answer the question and post a image showing you the correct/alternative image. Hopefully we all can learn from this thread.

    Toggle back and forth between the images to see the difference.

    What's wrong with this bird image?
    Last edited by jprzybyla; 30th May 2014 at 12:38 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    Not really sure what I am looking for here, Joe.

    The neck seems a little twisted. There is a 'bald spot' near the start of its body. Some 'scratches' on the tail which could be cloned over. There is an out of focus area of foliage at the image bottom.

  3. #3

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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    I'm not sure what you're asking...wrong in what respect?

  4. #4
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    Hi guys, just concentrate on the bird.

  5. #5

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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    Needs a bit more zoom but I think I can see the join?

  6. #6
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Not really sure what I am looking for here, Joe.

    The neck seems a little twisted. There is a 'bald spot' near the start of its body. Some 'scratches' on the tail which could be cloned over. There is an out of focus area of foliage at the image bottom.
    The 'bald' spot is actually a color patch on the leading edge of the wing and is normal. The 'scratches' are likely poop from other birds. The neck is slightly turned but not twisted, the lumpy bit there is actually a bone that the GBH and Great Egret have.

    It looks like it may be in transition to or from breeding colors.

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    The cast shadow from the neck is in the wrong place.

  8. #8

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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    Okay, I'll take a shot... Looks to me like it could use some sharpening to bring out the feathers and other detail, I'd lighten the shadow on the face and down its back to bring out the eye and color. Finally, you said stick to the bird but the foliage looks a little blown out, I'd try to fix that. Over all, a hit of contrast but I'm not sure... and ya, I'd straighten the neck out, no slouching (joking of course)

  9. #9
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    Hi Joe,
    Beautifully photographed. Perfect exposure and focus, beautiful colour and detail but for true perfection...

    I would say that the background is a little bit distracting (the surround foliage is not pretty), and also that light is falling on the wrong part of the heron, (highlighting all the beautiful feathers on his or her bottom half) instead of around it's beautiful face and neck which is in shadow.

  10. #10
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    Hello all, those who mentioned the shadows/light on the bird are correct. The lighting of this image is terrible, it will soon be in my rejected/delete bin. I took this image when I was in my... if I can see it photograph it stage. Quite frankly I did not know any better at the time. I was just wandering about capturing images of whatever I saw. Now I would enjoy seeing the heron but not photograph it. After filling my senses with the beauty and grace of the bird I would walk on saying... catch you next time my friend.

    Here is a image with almost the same pose with so much better light, no harsh shadows that hide detail and not much can be done with. Yes most post processing software has a way to deal with shadows but you are limited in what you can do. Open them up too much and out pops the noise that is always lurking in shadows. Leave them dark and any possible detail is blocked. So it is best to capture images without harsh, dark shadows. On a sunny day the sun is like a big spotlight. It must be pretty much behind you. The advice given is to point your shadow at the subject of the photograph.

    What's wrong with this bird image?

  11. #11

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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    the beauty and grace of the bird
    I'm sorry to disagree Joe...I've taken a fair number of photographs of GBH's and spent time around them. Once you hear them screech, sounding like a pterodactyl from the movies,
    they never look the same after that.

  12. #12

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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    I just want to stop in and say thank you for this thread! As someone who is still in the process of forcing himself out of his "if I can see it I can photograph it" stage, seeing these bad example vs. good example photos is very helpful. The more of them I see, the easier it is to determine when I should and shouldn't click the button. I've taken the advice of looking at lots of good photos, and it's been helpful, but this type of side by side presentation ads a different dimension of learning.

    I will be on the look out for more of these threads. I doubt I'll have much to offer in terms of determining what's wrong, but look forward to the learning.

  13. #13

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    Re: What's wrong with this bird image?

    if I can see it I can photograph it
    Julius...I've got several thousand of those on my hard drive, I would submit that, like Joe,
    a fair number of the members herein have as well. It's part of the learning process.
    The only thing worse is, knowing that it's a bad shot and thinking that you can "fix" it in PS.

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