After my first attempt showed "specular highlights" I went on a quest to find out how to photograph hot chocolate sauce without the light reflexion. The book Light Science & Magic was helpful as well as a search on the net. This time I planned the session, the model was most cooperative and as I was alone in the kitchen, no one to pressure me. As by supper time no supper was cooked because the kitchen space was taken by light stands, light box and all the dishes, I was taken to the restaurant and we had the bars for dessert. Of course I had some more for breakfast, so good…Oh, sorry, I digress, for the picture here is the setting: 5 second exposure at f8, ISO 100, 100mm lens, 2 flashes one on each side of a small Lightbox. I took 35 pictures, with different angles and time of exposures. This is the one I prefer. Your comments are appreciated.