Thanks, Otavio. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

Quote Originally Posted by bambleweeney View Post
...Re. history. This is one thing the French are great at. There are loads of villages that have changed little for centuries. Certainly in England they would be tourist traps but here in France they are just ordinary villages...
Exactly, Paul. That is the amazing aspect of the historical stuff. It's all just taken in stride as a part of life, no big deal. There are one or two for the tourists. Whenever we mentioned to a French person that we had been to Les Beaux, they would scoff and say that it was just a tourist town and no French people go there. Which was true enough, it was definitely a tourist trap. But it was interesting none the less.

The core/downtown area of those old villages are fascinating. Buildings that are centuries old and streets that were designed for foot and/or horse traffic. And just randomly laid out, no grid pattern like we are accustomed to in the USA. It is a bit scary the way they drive their cars down those narrow streets