Originally Posted by
Hi, Christina. As with the birds, your landscapes are much improved. I like the tight shots of the mountains focusing on detailed aspects of them rather than the broad vistas. I really like that first shot. I'll bet as you stood there the mist was continuously changing. On the second, as Mike mentioned the trees at bottom do give a sense of scale to the image. In such cases including or excluding them should be a conscious decision based on what you are trying to achieve and whether they support your intent. As currently composed it does look a bit random, however. Either a bit more trees or none might have worked better.
Mike pretty much summed up anything I had to say on techs. I'll just add that lately I've discovered that with the RAW image, applying a mask to the snow/clouds in LR and fiddling with the exposure or highlights in combination with the clarity slider may bring out the detail you seek. I haven't identified why/when but sometimes the exposure/clarity combination works and sometimes it's the highlights/clarity combo.
Also as Mike mentioned, for these shots your D7100/300 f4 would be happiest shooting at f8. For these particular shots your necessary DOF is relatively flat so you can get away with it. With that kit, unless you have specific reasons to manipulate DOF, using f8 as your default aperture will optimize sharpness and minimize CA.