Hi, has anyone else been seeing strange threads today on CiC
Hi, has anyone else been seeing strange threads today on CiC
I believe it's called spam mate. Looks like the mods have it under control though
Not really. Aren't you in need of a black magic consultation or help improving your love life to save your marriage and fix all else that ails you? I got so much out of it that I cancelled my doctor's appointment for this coming week. He can go shrink someone else's head in my time slot...
had three lots, 2 big ones, one on Saturday and one on Sunday, with a small one on Friday.
Logged in last night and saw those posts, was enough to make me log out. Wonder what they get out of it when they know its going to be deleted immediately.
If one person clicks on a link or goes to one of those linked sites it has been worthwhile for them. Spam links are free advertising.
An increasing problem which affects many sites I'm afraid.
One site which I use for wildlife had to close down and restart with limited access. Others are also on limited or no contact from the public.
And on another, you can't use the work kitchen because that creates a linking problem to spam. So you have so say something like 'I found this bug in my cooking room' !
The problem is that as soon as a spammer has been banned he reappears under another name, etc.