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Thread: Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk

  1. #1

    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk

    Sausalito, California - Sunset to Dusk.
    Please comment.

    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2009
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    Re: Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk

    Sausalito, California - Sunset to Dusk.
    Please comment.
    Beautiful light and colour in all of these.

    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    This one almost looks like it would work as 2 shots if it was split about 3/4 over from the left, between what I think are remains of old docks.

    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    I think on this one I would remove the dock remains on the left. To my eye they do not add to the shot, and are kind of distracting.

    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk
    I really like both of these, and love the way you have captured the changing man made and natural light. Some might say there is too much going on, and in fact I wonder how they would look without the remains of the dock, but to my eye they are all very well done and nice to look at, although I do find myself wondering about the relationship between foreground and background and whether they might be better treated as 2 seperate subjects.

    They are beautiful shots, and I hope others will comment as to compostiton. I could be way off base on my comments, so I would like to know what others are thinking


  3. #3

    Re: Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk


    Very good shots. I like the transition of colours. Agree with Wendy about taking out the timbers in #4. In #6 you appear to have quite a lean to the left on the shore line, but I checked and it's actually dead-level. It must be what I call 'receding shore-line angle'. It might be worth correcting it though for in a shot such as this it's quite noticeable. Very nicely done. I'd quite like a poster of #5 on my wall to remind me of Julie, my old next-door neighbour in Cambridge who went to live in Sausalito.

  4. #4

    Re: Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk

    Thanks Wendy. I think Pic 3's layout is what you are talking about in Pic 4, as I was trying different framing I did include the remains on left on Pic 4 intentionally :-)


  5. #5

    Re: Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post

    Very good shots. I like the transition of colours. Agree with Wendy about taking out the timbers in #4. In #6 you appear to have quite a lean to the left on the shore line, but I checked and it's actually dead-level. It must be what I call 'receding shore-line angle'. It might be worth correcting it though for in a shot such as this it's quite noticeable. Very nicely done. I'd quite like a poster of #5 on my wall to remind me of Julie, my old next-door neighbour in Cambridge who went to live in Sausalito.
    Thanks for the shoreline correction :-) , I will correct the same in my original pic.


  6. #6
    Terry Tedor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    North Pole, Alaska

    Re: Sausalito - Sunset to Dusk

    All are lovely. The colors and softness of the water set the mood perfectly, but I find your choice of border treatment a bit overpowering.

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