I like the translucent greenery, however the mushroom needs a bit of fill light to offset the muddy colors in the shadows.
Fill light can be applied either during the shoot, with flash or exposure compensation and in-process to bring out some of the details in the shadow areas. It looks like you've got a cast shadow from the green stalks and when cast on the orange mushroom appears muddy in color, at least to my eyes.
I used Elements to alter +43, probably a bit too much and may not be to your liking. I can remove.
Last edited by Shadowman; 4th June 2014 at 09:31 AM.
I tried half a dozen shots with the flash. None of them pleased me. With your adjustments, (what I think of as contrast adjustments) the photo becomes too homogeneous. Not saying that a little adjustment might not improve it but +43 is a tad much. My preference is for a shot that moves from bright on the right to shadow on the left with a strong pop in the middle where mushroom and grass meet. The mud effect may be coming from the dirt bottom left?