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Thread: The fog machine gig

  1. #1
    wilgk's Avatar
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    The fog machine gig

    Well I am supposed to be editing 150 Cheerleader 'sportraits' but having a few moments away to share how the original Basketball team photo day went.
    The fog machine that I trialled and shared in this thread First try with a fog machine

    worked ok for the team shots. I couldn't use it for the Individual ones, as the room where I set that up had smoke detectors that we were afraid of setting off.

    This is a tricky gig, but if you attend your kids sport on a regular basis & take action shots.... chances are you will get asked to do the team groups.

    The fog machine gig

    The fog machine gig

    I can see heaps of areas to improve on, but it did go ok, as now I have the Cheerleaders

    best I get back to it!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2011
    SE Michigan
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    wm c boyer

    Re: The fog machine gig

    I've considered using a fog machine for it's "cool" effect, just have figured out what scenario for it's use.
    In that regard, your posts are interesting and informative. Appreciate your sharing them.

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