Waiting for the battery to charge up so not much at the moment.
First thing I noticed was the weight of the lens and it's finish. Weight wise it's the same as the camera about 1/2 kg. It's extremely well finished and no signs of any plastic at all or rubber zoom etc grips. The lens cap had me fooled for a moment as it seems to have a large metal insert in the front. Also comes with a pouch and hood. The hood fitting is via a bayonet of sorts but two adjacent buttons on the hood have to be pushed in to get it on.
Unusual these days but it all comes with a fairly wide substantial camera strap. Add say a 200mm F2.8 and I would probably wish it was wider but always wonder about using simple straps with lenses on like that.
The camera is neat and still small but noticeably bigger than the E-M5. By eye it looks like the main difference is that it's about 15mm longer and the main body is somewhat thicker and taller. As it has a battery bulge that some call a grip the 2 thumb wheels have room between them for 2 buttons rather than being at the side of one on the E-M5. This has also allowed them to move the rear thumb wheel nearer to the end of the camera where most people would expect it to be. Have to reach across on the E-M5 which isn't a problem but takes some getting used to. There is still a place for the thumb at the back but this time it's doesn't slightly foul the FN-1 button at all. Looks like there is a button for everything. The prime real estate for buttons looks like it defaults to movie and jpg tone curve manipulation. These are behind the front thumb wheel. Top left has On/Off, AF and metering plus burst, timer and HDR. All buttons look easy to get at even the viewfinder - screen selector which was hidden away a bit on the E-M5. There is also a button on the lens.
The camera mode dial can be locked but as it has decent indents for each position I feel that's a bit pointless but other manufacturers are doing the same thing.
All in all I don't think I will have any problems taking the camera out of a shoulder bag when I want to use it and putting it back in afterwards which is how I usually shoot. I did wonder if the increase in size would spoil that. Ergonomics just like the E-M5 seem rather well thought out - to me.