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Thread: Portraits - Mariana

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Portraits - Mariana

    Mariana is a young woman working in dentistry with lots of success. She is the daughter of someone I know for the last 500 years and she asked me to photograph her.
    From a couple of decent images I post here this one which is also available in color.
    I do have printed both on the usual Ilford paper etc. Great. I love these images !
    I hope she feels the same when she sees them.

    Portraits - Mariana
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 12th June 2014 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits - Mariana

    Another great image Antonio. You continue to demonstrate your mastery of B&W portraitures.

    I find your selection of the framing quite interesting. Even though it is a fairly complex construction, the symmetry and assymetry are both interesting and pleasing. The large white border on the bottom of the "print" part nicely balances the large amount of head space you have at the top of the image. That technique works exceptionally well and gives me some ideas to play with. I tend to crop the head space in much of my work, but as you have shown, that is not necessarily a good thing.

    Thank you for posting this. I like looking at images that get me thinking about my own compositional techniques!

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits - Mariana


    Nicely done.

  4. #4

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    Re: Portraits - Mariana

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    I love these images ! I hope she feels the same when she sees them.
    It is beyond me to think that you or she could not love them. Exceptionally well done.

    The only digital framing I've seen that I believe improves the presentation of the image. Almost all of them hurt the presentation. A few neither hurt nor enhance the presentation. This one definitely improves the presentation.

    In that context, I recommend pressing the Enter key at least three times at the end of your last line of text in the post to create space between the text and the display of the image file. That process works using the Tinypics upload capability. I don't know about the other methods of posting an image.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 11th June 2014 at 04:48 PM.

  5. #5
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits - Mariana

    Later on I will be happy to write and comment about your posts.

    Now, I am waiting for someone to take a picture.

  6. #6

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    Re: Portraits - Mariana

    António, the picture/lighting/conversion are superlative, but...I think the pose lends itself to someone much older, maybe it's the shawl.

  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Portraits - Francisco Ferreira

    Thank you all for the nice comments. I am happy to be of some help.

    Let me try to explain the best I can, how I do this.
    Please feel free to ask if I have not written properly or did not explain myself correctly.
    A routine must be followed. I have three images - as templates - with the canvas and the frame - with a Smart Object inside and underneath.
    This Smart Object (the final image) is Replaced by the new image and it works fine as long the sizes are coherent/consistent.
    The canvas has two color variations.
    I have three templates. The vertical and the horizontal have the same size. The size of the square is same of the minor size of the rectangle. It doesn't look like but it is.
    Portraits - Mariana

    The text and line underneath are also in other templates. They are inserted in a margin below the photograph which I do with a canvas action.
    Portraits - Mariana

    I do agree that the text should be a little further away from the image itself but sometimes and inside a project I don't want to change it's position, not to damage it's own coherence.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    ...I like looking at images that get me thinking about my own compositional techniques!
    That is good ! I do the same. I was inspired by work I have seen here and there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    ...This one definitely improves the presentation. In that context, I recommend pressing the Enter key at least three times at the end of your last line of text in the post to create space between the text and the display of the image file...
    Yes. Presentation is essential when presenting an image or even ourselves. The same image can be presented in "plain"/"raw" and with some extra work. This, can enhance the image and make it better.
    What a difference if you present the very same image on a bad paper and you present the very same image nicely printed on an excellent paper with beautiful canvas, frame and so on... look at the difference !

    Mariana is a young woman with lots of potential. Perhaps the pose is too majestic but I do have others less formal. This one is kind of "the photo of the princess" !

    Now, it is not Mariana I want to show you but a Portuguese citizen with relevance in national terms from my project "Gente cá da terra" (People from home/this town)

    Thank you for your patience !

    Note how the canvas has in another color.

    Portraits - Mariana

    I have not talked you about my set-up ...

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits - Francisco Ferreira

    Hi Antonio,

    In that context, I recommend pressing the Enter key at least three times at the end of your last line of text in the post to create space between the text and the display of the image file...
    I think Mike was suggesting putting a bigger gap here (screen grab from your post above):

    Portraits - Mariana
    in your post.

    HTH, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 12th June 2014 at 08:09 PM.

  9. #9

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    Re: Portraits - Francisco Ferreira

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    I think Mike was suggesting putting a bigger gap your post.
    You thought correctly. I like the spacing in the image file itself.

  10. #10
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits - Francisco Ferreira

    I had a big laugh !!!

  11. #11

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    Re: Portraits - Mariana

    Nicely done, Antonio. Both the photography and the presentation.

  12. #12
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits - Mariana

    Thank you Dan

  13. #13
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Portraits - Guilhermina Gomes

    Portraits - Mariana

  14. #14
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Portraits - Fernando Dacosta

    Portraits - Mariana

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