Thanks for your time on this Geoff. The result looks quite nice. I think I should be able to follow along with your instructions and will try doing adjustments on different layers. I know I can't do a mask , but I should be able to figure out the layers for something other than a frame.
Thanks again
I like what you've done Arith, but as you say the original concept is gone. I was kind of going for a ghostly soft look, so the added detail, takes away from that.I had a go Wendy but don't think I managed to keep to the original concept. However, I have use OptikVerve Labs HazyDayz filter and then Topaz Detail Deep Blue Sky settings with:
Small detail 0.21
Small boost -0.002
Deblur 0.27 Radius 0.85
Cyan-Red -0.71
All other settings left as default.
If I was just trying to improve on the original shot, then this is definitely much better. Problem is, I'm trying to completly change the original shot. Not a good idea, I'm finding but it was interesting to try.
I see you are liking Topaz. Which program did you get. I am trying the trial of Details and Adjust right now. The Details program seems to be pretty helpful.
I've got the Detail but would like the Adjust as well, I've found tiny alterations in slider values yield big changes to the image however it is the best sharpening tool I've used. I don't understand the theory of how it works though but it does work. cheers.
I still want to figure out the sharpening in Elements, so I have not used Topaz too much for sharpening, but I really like what it does for colour saturation. When I try colour adjustments in LR or Elements I end up with a mess. Mostly because I don't know what I'm doing, but with Topaz, I just adjusted the sliders and got some nice results without creating a lot of bad side effects. In a way the colours might not be natural or look like the original scene, but to me it seems to do a nice job. Not something to be used ALL the time, but very effective for some shots.
Have you tried the High Pass Filter found in Elements