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First off if this is the wrong thread Mods can move to the right section.
OK so here's my problem. I have a Nikon D90 and a SanDisk Extreme 4GB memory card. I've had it about 2 weeks and have been taking random pictures. Each night I load the pictures on the computer and delete them from the memory card. I use a card reader I got from my dad because I don't like having it sit out where it could get bumped by the kids by accident. So I load the pictures and put the card back in the camera and delete the pictures. When I look at the remaining pictures section it says I can only take 219 in RAW format and about 880 +/- a few in JPEG. Before when I first got the card I could take 286 in RAW and over 1000 in JPEG (it shows 1k so it could be more). Now when I look on the card and on the computer it says the folder is empty. Can anybody tell me what's going on? I bought this card for the amount of pictures it could take because my wife and I love to go out and take a bunch of pictures.