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Thread: What can you see/imagine here?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    What can you see/imagine here?

    I saw this rock on the skyline and imagined I could see . . .

    What can you see/imagine here?

    If you use your imagination can you can see a mobile missile launcher here, and 2 guards just showing above the undergrowth on the right edge. Or perhaps somebody can see something else.

    On the other hand, it might just be a lump of rock and I need to see a 'shrink'.

    Just wanted a second opinion.

    All I have done with this image is to use a Soft Light blend duplicate layer to increase contrast and saturation plus the usual slight tweaks with Curves and Unsharp Mask.

  2. #2

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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Totally agree with the two guards, but your rocket launcher is my precariously perched castle with a real lean to the left. I also see a three dogs reclining beside each other in the middle foreground. The first one is particularly clear (to me). His eye is almost perfect. Maybe "shrinks" do group rates?


  3. #3
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    I agree with the rocket launcher and the guards. However, I don't see the 3 dogs. I see a dog and an alligator.


  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    I see the guards.

    I only see one dog, perhaps it's a Bloodhound missile launcher

    Are we all nuts?
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 18th March 2010 at 09:26 PM.

  5. #5

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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Yes I see those dogs now. The one on the left has a rather thin collie look to it's face while the other, with it's mouth open, has more of a retriever appearance. But behind them and facing right is another dog like animal which looks a bit like an Airedale terrier. Look for the 'eyes' and the rest will become apparent.

    Well I suppose this is as good as those questionable ink blot tests that were popular in the 1960's. Are they still used?

    ps. During the 1960's there was a local rumour about a secret submarine base which was close to this site. It was constructed deep in the cliffs with a hidden underwater entrance so the submarines couldn't be seen while entering or leaving.

    And I know some people who actually believed the story!

    In reality, though, this site is close to a wartime airfield and radar station. You can still see where some of the now demolished defensive gun sites were placed. And a secret cold war radar and communications bunker was built on the airfield in the 1950's.

    A few private planes still fly from one of the runways.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 18th March 2010 at 10:06 PM. Reason: extra paragraph

  6. #6
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Alright, I can see the collie, but the one on the right still looks like an alligator.


  7. #7

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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Whew! So, it's safe, then, to tell you I also see a sheep? It lies in front of the first dog with its head facing in the opposite direction.

    We have an underground bunker in an old military base (Debert). It was open for tours about seven years ago, so I went in with an old Sony camera (the one that took the floppy disk) and got some photos. All the interesting stuff had been removed, but we went through the rooms (it was huge) and had a look at the equipment that was left. The purpose of the bunker was to house the VIPs of the country in the event of an attack. It was "for rent" for awhile. A pharmaceutical company from abroad was interested, but that fell through.


  8. #8

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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Well I suppose this is as good as those questionable ink blot tests that were popular in the 1960's. Are they still used?
    Maybe not quite an inkblot test.

    Engineers generally dislike structures with big offsets, like that rock formation. The sharp angles invite metal cracking, and they don't transmit forces well. So it isn't something that you're going to see built into structures a lot. The exception to that rule is where you need somewhere for back-blast to go, so you get some of that same feel even in the WWII-era Katyusha. Plus more recent Patriot and such. Add to that the launch angle, and it really does have the silhouette of a missile launcher.


  9. #9

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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    I can see the 'sheep' Myra, it's the same one that I considered to be an Airedale Terrier, which have a rather sheep like head.

    Do you see Airedales outside of the UK? They appear to have become less popular here recently.

    When I was a young child (and sweets were still rationed) there was a children's toy which looked like these dogs but had small wheels and a red painted steel handle to push them along. I think they were designed as a walking frame for toddlers. Whenever I see an Airedale, I still check for the wheels!

    And I see that an alligator could make an alternative to a dog.

  10. #10

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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Do you see Airedales outside of the UK? They appear to have become less popular here recently.

    Yes, every so often I spy an Airedale here in Nova Scotia. They seem like a wonderful breed. There's even a Scottie (black ) who lives somewhere in our neighbourhood. They are even more uncommon in these parts Labrador Retrievers are a dime a dozen. We have one. Very family friendly.

    What we don't have are interesting out croppings of rock like the one in Geoff's photo.

  11. #11
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Are we all nuts?
    I reckon so Dave
    And you are all wrong ... its a very old lady, bonnet tilted back on her head, looking left ... and if you can't see this then I'm a ...
    Now what was it I going to say???
    Age has its benefits

  12. #12

    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Hey pass that spliff this away when you guys have finished with it

  13. #13

    Re: What can you see/imagine here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I saw this rock on the skyline and imagined I could see . . .
    A dust bunny

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