Sharon, that hurts. I don't see passion, I feel anger, and pain.
Last edited by davidedric; 14th June 2014 at 09:47 PM.
Sharon, very artistic presentation. Also, a nice model.
I see a bad girl. Nicely done.
I immediately thought of Maleficent.
Passion can be positive or negative.
Just curious, Sharon. Did you shoot this with intent to convert to B&W? I was wondering if your color version would have the same impact as B&W, or if it would convey an altogether different impression?
This image is thought provoking - as usual.
Hi Marie,
I specifically shot it it hi-contrast black and white.
As I shoot in Raw plus one I got the original colour version too but it was was the harshness of the Hi contrast B&W I was after.
I see passion with some cheekiness.
Sharon, just one word: Superb! Film noir, 1930's?