Thanks for the opportunity to play with the image, within the limitations of a jpg and the size of image that you could post.
My edits were all in Lightroom.
I rotated it to give it a bit of energy (not everyone will agree with this!).
The dynamic range looked a bit narrow so I adjusted the white (+50) and black points (-18).
I put a slightly contrast tone curve on the whole image.
I put a radial filter across the boat and immediately surrounding spray, reducing contrast, clarity, saturation and sharpness across the rest of the image, each by 25. If I'd spent more time, I might have found that some of these were unnecessary, but they have the general effect of downplaying the sea.
I used an adjustment brush across the rest of the wake, increasing clarity by 57 - this may be a bit OTT, especially on such a small jpg.
Just one person's way of editing. I hope this helps, even if it helps you decide you don't like this approach
Comments welcome.
![USCG Tight Turn](