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Thread: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Allan Martin

    Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?


    I bought my 18-140 lens from a friend. He gave me all the warranty cards and receipt. He only used it once. Theoretically I got a brand-new lens for a little less than retail price.

    However as soon as I inspected it I noticed the following:

    A little bright speck under the front glass, which seem to be chipped plastic/metal/glass

    Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    And the most worrying:

    Near that same bright speck, the outer edge of the glass seems to be peeling off.

    Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    Are those stuff that I should worry? I could just hit the warranty with Nikon but I don't want to pay 2 times shipping so they tell me it's alright and there's nothing they can do about it, or even that they wouldn't cover that under warranty.

    Last option would be to try to return the lens to my friend, even though I payed less for it.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    Hi Allan, I have seen images taken with a cracked lens where you couldn't tell there was anything wrong with the lens from the images. I would definitely test the lens to see if it has any affect but even if it doesn't, there is always the piece of mind that comes with a product that doesn't have any known defects.

  3. #3

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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    Have you shot the lens? If it doesn't have any noticeable effect on images, then you have a decision to make. If your just can't stand knowing it's there, then it's probably worth the piece of mind to have it checked out.

  4. #4

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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    My 70-300mm Nikkor has a mark on the front element coating (due to my own clumsiness) but there has been no effect on IQ that I can detect. I expected that I would at least see an increase in flare but that doesn't seem to be the case. As has already been advised, go use the lens and take some shots into the light in particular (at different apertures) and see if there is any real problem. Don't forget you will get some flare anyway but see if it is particularly bad. Just in case you want to return the lens, mention what you have found to your friend now rather than later.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    I agree with John's suggestion, shoot into some light (even if only a dark room with a small distant window), with light hitting at certain angles, but be 'scientific' about it - try to eliminate some factors by shooting more shots with camera/lens to light at opposite side and adjacent side to the blemish.

    I would not advise shooting into the sun as the light source for these experiments - that may cause bigger problems to either you or the camera

    I am struggling to identify the problem from the two shots above unfortunately.

    I also agree that, chances are, you won't see any effect on your normal photography results.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Allan Martin

    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    Thanks guys.

    I did some testing and apparently it's a matter of aesthetics only. Would anyone know if Nikon could/would replace the front-glass based on that? Meaning if it's not really impacting photos?

    I've already contacted them but they said I need to send them the lens. They just couldn't even say if that kind of thing is repairable at all.

  7. #7

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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    With regards to lens condition I always find this article food for thought.

  8. #8

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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    Interesting link Shane...I haven't quite gone that far but, have quit being so fastidious about clean glass.

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    I agree, the effect on images is likely to be zero. My only concern is whether this indicates any problem that might worsen. There is nothing in the glass that can peel off. However, I suppose it is possible that the coating of the lens could peel.

    I don't know about Nikon, but some companies do not extend warranty coverage to resales. Canon (which I shoot) states that the warranty covers only the original purchaser and people for whom the lens was purchased as a gift.

  10. #10

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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    As the other posts indicate, there should most likely be no effect on the image. You might try to shoot into the light in such a way that the light falls directly on the chip, and see whether the chip reflects light in such a way that it produces whatever flare in an image. Hold the lens in front of you, see whether there is an angle in which the chip reflects more prominently, press the shutter, check for any spot of flare.

    A concern is, however, the resale value. If the person who sold the lens to you really was a friend, you might ask him to get the lens repaired/exchanged on warranty. He shoud have told you the issue, because the resale value of a lens with any issue on the glass goes considerably down. Just think whether you would have bought the lens if you would have noted the chip beforehand.


  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    Put it out of your mind. Act as if you have owned the lens for five years, lent it to a friend, and received it back with some mark that will have no effect on any images. A cloud will briefly trouble your mood but not your pics so after the cloud passes, get out and start shooting.

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    God you should have been around in the 60s 70s when it was rare to find a lens that didn't have air bubbles or something

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    ~ you should have been around in the 60s 70s when it was rare to find a lens that didn't have air bubbles or something
    And as I recall, peeling or crazed coatings were also common back then - ah; "the good old days", eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    God you should have been around in the 60s 70s
    I suspect s/he was

  14. #14
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: Possible issue with Nikons lens. Should I worry?

    I wouldn't worry about it Allan. It doesn't influence your images I would think and as for resale value, this is very minor. TBH, I don't even look at my lenses in this way. I get them in, give them a quick look and check whether they work correctly and that's it.
    But I do know that feeling of having something new and then seeing the first scratch on it...

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