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I can see this setup if you are shooting people.
A few more thoughts:
If the shots are soft, it is because you are much too close and the level of magnification means you do not have enough DoF to get the resolution that you need. That means moving the cameras further back, adding more light and increasing your shutter speed to at least double what it is to freeze the motion. You might have noticed, photographers use flash rather than continuous light sources for people shots.
For lighting, you are likely to find that continuous light sources are likely inadequate for what you are doing. Even small flash is running around 70W-s. A small flash fires for around 1/1000th sec. To get that kind of output at say 1/50th of a second, you need to pump in some 1400W; which is a lot more than you have in your setup. This should also kill any digital noise issues that you have
Again, if the software takes care of the distortion, I do expect some of the softness you are seeing is likely due to the quality of the optics that you are using.