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Thread: "I'm tired Dad"

  1. #21
    yogirajj's Avatar
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    Re: "I'm tired Dad"

    Awh, such a cutie!

  2. #22
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: "I'm tired Dad"

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I feel bad that I am responsible for starting the whole mess about Lightroom's supposed display of the Zone System when, in fact, the program doesn't display it. The Lightroom Histogram does display certain zones but they are NOT correlated to the 11 zones that are the system invented and explained by Ansel Adams. More important, unlike SilverEfex Pro, Lightroom doesn't indicate where the various zones are displayed in the image itself.

    I'm more than a little bit miffed that Chauncey has given Connie a break for her mistake but he has not mentioned anything of the sort pertaining to mine.
    Never mind Mike,

    I found your explanation on how it works (in SilverEfex Pro) very illuminating (groan) - that sounds like a useful feature to have.

    Afterall, if anyone at CiC deserves a "break", it has to be you

    But please don't wine about it

    Cheers (here's raising a glass to you),

  3. #23
    nikon66's Avatar
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    Re: "I'm tired Dad"

    Beautiful shot, nicely done.

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