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Thread: Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

  1. #1
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    I am trying to learn how to use my epson 3880 but am having some problems! i want to print this photo.

    Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    But when i hit print i get this.

    Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    The image shows the correct crop in print preview.
    the paper size is set to A5 in the printer menu
    Ive tried using the print output in PS 5 and im geting the same problem, which would indicate something in the printer set up, Im buggered if i can find out what ive got set up incorrectly! any ideas peeps?

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    Is there a dialogue box that says "crop to fit"? If it is checked, it will crop an image such as you've shown. What is the actual image size in inches or centimeters? Does it equal your paper size?

  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    I'm assuming the print preview example and print example being entirely different pictures are shown just for reference?

    The first shot isn't A5 - or at least it's a different ratio so it's never going to fit exactly. Post a screen grab of your print dialogue box showing the preview with the white boarders and all the dimensions.

  4. #4
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    Hi John,

    Thanks for talking the time to reply. You were on the right lines when you asked about the image and paper size matching, but not quite there! All my paper sizes are in the A range A2/3/4/5 or so i thought.... it turns out that my smallest size is actually 5x7....DOH which is of course smaller than A5. So I was preparing an A% image for 5x7 paper.

    In my defense i am dyslexic both numerically and alphabetically, the word processor has sorted the alphabetical stuff but you want to watch me trying to dial a phone number or measure something!

    To add insult to injury my wife is now being very superiour, the first thing she asked is if id selected the correct paper size I just told her to stop being silly i wouldnt make such a basic mistake Now i owe her dinner....

    Problem solved Thanks (turned out i was printing the wrong image anyway!)

    Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

  5. #5
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    Thanks Robin.

    Yes 10 out 10 for observation skills! i had in fact been printing the wrong image Where are you working now days? are you still in the photographic business?

  6. #6
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Print area problems LR 4/ epson 3880

    To be honest I wasn't going to mention it assuming they were just examples - sometimes in life its the simplest things that drive you potty.

    I'm not with the photo trade any more, I work for a high street finance company which isn't as exciting but I get paid more for less hours meaning photography is just for my own fun now. I keep thinking of going back to retail but the high street is dying and its just not as exciting as it used to be when people were excited about new products and came to see them in a shop in stead of doing it all online.
    I would still be there if Jessops hadn't gone bang as the flagship store I managed was an epic thing to be part of but I do enjoy having more family time.

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