Well, I love silhouette shots, so it gets my vote. very nice colours.
Love this one. Seems like a silhouette but some colour sneaks through on the RH bird. Background is also superb. All comes together for that yin yang feeling, as you mentioned.
Is it just me, or is the crop a little unusual on the right? It almost appears that the bird's wing is bent up against the frame. I'm not objecting, it looks great.
Thanks everyone for the great comments. I like the fact the light sky has the dark bird and the dark hillside has the light bird. Very well balanced i think.
I wish i could add some to the right, but that was the edge of the frame as i caught it. I was following the bird on the left and clicked when i saw the flash of the other bird crossing and that is how it ended up. I cropped the left to match and balance the frame. I really didn't do much, but add some vibrance to the sky and sharpen. A happy accident, that turned into a gem.
Very nice capture. Might need air traffic control.
Lovely colors, beautiful silhouettes. +1 for a crop with more space around the birds (just follow Dave's advice and you should be good).
You're really starting to take this into the realms of the publishable. As everyone else, and you, has stated, the absence of a bit of space on the right-hand side is the one drawback. But, having captured this once, then it's got to be repeatable (although the models mightn't line-up exactly the same way for you). You know what the lighting was like. You know your settings. Now all it needs is time and patience!
Thanks for spending the time dave. It looks much better. I'll have to do a proper job with the original and repost. After seeing this, i'm thinking a touch more on both sides.
The odds of recapturing this is very low, and a clone is in order here. I could prob. get a single bird with similar results , but i doubt i could get crossing birds again.
Beautiful, Steve. This is a unique shot.
Outstanding! How many Herons are roosting there? I've noticed the nests driving on I-70,but didn't realize they were bird nests.Actually thought they were huge squirrel nests
I'll have to get on Wheeling Creek and start scouting for feeding spots.Good luck with your panos!
Jim, there are less roosting this year than last, but there are at least 20 pairs. There are 3 roost trees with nests. If you want to go, you're more than welcome. Let me know. Be prepaired for one hell of a hike though.
Yes Steve, exactly what I had in mind. Perfect! Nicely done.