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Thread: DX mode vs cropping

  1. #1
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    DX mode vs cropping

    I have a nikon D800 and it has a dx mode but i dont see what the difference is in using dx mode and just cropping the image in post. If i use FX and crop composition isnt so criticle for fast moving objects BIF ect and i get more flexibility in PP. So can anybody tell me what the benifit of the DX mode on my camera is? cause i just cant see it.... it doesnt even improve the frame rate which is weird because of the smaller file size... but i guess they need to sell those D4's some how

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Mark - it does two things; pop on a DX lens and it will register that and shot as if it were on a DX camera and if you use the battery grip you do get an extra 1 fps in DX mode over shooting without the grip.

    Have I ever used either feature; I don't think so...

  3. #3
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Ahh Ok thanks Manfred but who would want to use a DX lens with the 800? you might as well not have one!! i thought you got the whole extra fpm in FX as well , but guess its my mistake.

  4. #4

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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    If you had DX lens from a previous camera would it not be nice to be able to use them?


  5. #5

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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    With the grip and using either AA batteries or the EL18 (D4 battery) you actually get six fps in DX mode. That's one reason. Also simply saving card space is an advantage in some cases. Sometimes I also shoot in the 4x5 crop mode for that reason. I have a button customized to switch crop modes quickly. But when card space isn't an issue and fps isn't needed I never switch modes. As pointed out in the OP why bother? You can just be casual with your composition and crop in post. Technology is ruining us....

  6. #6
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    I have 3 Dx lens's from my D7000 which i wish id never sold.... ive lent them to the person who bought the DX from me. the D800 shows every imperfection there is in those lens's the only lens's i use on the D800 are 24/70 f2.8 70/200 f2.8 105 macro f 2.8 (but only lately) 50mm f1.4 and a 50/500 sigma 5.6 cause i cant afford the nikon equiv at the moment. D800 is a nice cam and ive grown to love it but it takes some getting used to and the best glass you can afford.

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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    I have 3 Dx lens's from my D7000 which i wish id never sold.... ive lent them to the person who bought the DX from me. the D800 shows every imperfection there is in those lens's....
    That's interesting. The D800 and D7000 have nearly the exact same pixel pitch and therefore theoretically the same ability to resolve detail. To what do you attribute the difference in lens performance on the two cameras?

  8. #8
    PhotomanJohn's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    I kept my D7000 when I bought the D800 and find it is a good combination. With the same lens on each camera, the images are identical when viewed 1:1. There is just more picture with the D800. I have also never found a need to use the DX mode on the D800 but can understand when one might.


  9. #9
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    That's interesting. The D800 and D7000 have nearly the exact same pixel pitch and therefore theoretically the same ability to resolve detail. To what do you attribute the difference in lens performance on the two cameras?

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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    Or power of suggestion?

  11. #11
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Or quality control, amplifier plus A/D performance and manufacturing tolerances?

    P.S. I nearly always use FX mode on my D800 but once when I was running out of memory and knew I would be be cropping I dropped to DX mode just to save me changing cards.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 14th July 2014 at 11:07 PM.

  12. #12
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Or power of suggestion?
    Possibly so Dan, in truth ive never tried these lens's on my 800, but your logic is correct. but if you buy a high end body then it makes sense to use high end glass and when you look at work produced out of my 18/200 nikor compared to the 70/200 nikor there is a world of difference. and i assume that difference would be the same for both bodies but haven't tried it.

    Theb power of suggestion and opinion of the masses on the interweb is very persuasive and its doubly so as people become entrenched in their opinions and so few can admit to stupidity

    But at least it makes for interesting threads!

  13. #13
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    when I was running out of memory and knew I would be be cropping I dropped to DX mode just to save me changing cards.
    I think you've hit the nail on the head there

  14. #14
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Technology is ruining us....
    Technology isnt ruining us, its allowing us to achieve shots that we might not be experienced or quick enough to capture otherwise.....
    This in turn keeps levels of achievement up and togs wont lose heart at constantly getting bad results. This in turn keeps us learning and improving.
    Good equipment will not make you a better tog but it will help you achieve shots you may otherwise struggle to get.

  15. #15
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    Technology isnt ruining us, its allowing us to achieve shots that we might not be experienced or quick enough to capture otherwise.....
    This in turn keeps levels of achievement up and togs wont lose heart at constantly getting bad results. This in turn keeps us learning and improving.
    Good equipment will not make you a better tog but it will help you achieve shots you may otherwise struggle to get.
    Mark I agree. Below is a quote from a comment I made today on another thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Ali thanks for the comment. I will give improved technology a great deal of the credit for enabling the retention of detail in both the blacks and whites. It is something I had a constant battle with back in the days of film.

  16. #16
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Mark I agree.
    My wife never does

  17. #17
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    I have the same decision when using my D7100 (DX); do I use the special 1.3x crop mode (which changes the crop factor to 2x overall) when shooting distant birds?
    It gives 15MP RAW instead of 24MP RAW files, so saves card space and does slightly improve my fps and buffer capacity in continuous burst shooting.

    The downside of the 1.3x crop mode for BIF, is that I often clip wings as they get closer because I don't notice them exceeding the rectangle denoting the frame size when in that mode, since they still fit in the viewfinder.

    Therefore I choose carefully which mode for the conditions (it is only a button press + wheel nudge to change format - no menus are involved) and even switch 'on the fly' (groan) as it is so easy.

    Long story short (oops, too late now) I do use it whenever I can and if I had a D800/810, I would no doubt do the same with the FF vs DX decision.

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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark von Kanel View Post
    ...The power of suggestion and opinion of the masses on the interweb is very persuasive and its doubly so as people become entrenched in their opinions and so few can admit to stupidity...
    The topic of sensors "outresolving lenses" is a pet peeve of mine. While it may indeed be true, people have broadly misconstrued it to mean that a higher resolution body will actually produce worse IQ with a bad lens than a lower resolution body with the same lens. Which is simply nonsense. The lens may prevent the value of the higher rez body from being realized but it's not going to produce worse images. Quite the contrary.

    Regarding the phenomenon of collective thinking, personally I think that is one area where the internet and modern communications have taken mankind a step backward. I once saw a poster that put it well, "none of us is as stupid as all of us".

  19. #19

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    Re: DX mode vs cropping

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    ...The downside of the 1.3x crop mode for BIF, is that I often clip wings as they get closer because I don't notice them exceeding the rectangle denoting the frame size when in that mode, since they still fit in the viewfinder...
    I only use the crop mode in the 7100 for static subjects for that reason. The D800 is better in that regard because rather than the outlined box the viewfinder is greyed out around the crop area.

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