Great subject, Carl. This really needs to be viewed full size in lytebox.
I like the strong tonal contrast of your conversion but I wonder if he whites on the guardrail need toning down to bring back a bit of detail in them.
I would also like to see a bit more space on the left. The bridge seems a bit cramped, so close to the frame
Last edited by FootLoose; 15th July 2014 at 06:34 AM.
+1 from me but good strong lines and comp which is what mono benefits from.
I don't like to comment first on an image as I don't think I have the expertise but the first thing I thought about it was that it needed a little more room on the left.
It's a wonderful image Carl. Nice work
Thanks everyone I will go back and try to see what I can do to add the extra space on the left and tone down the bridge guardrail. I don't get out as much as I like too and this one has been in my mind for sometime now. There were lots of heavy clouds in the area and had to wait for them to clear and allow the sunlight threw. It's not exactly the kind of sunlight like I had pictured but it is the closest thus far.
This one is a little darker.
Last edited by Carl in Louisiana; 16th July 2014 at 03:06 AM. Reason: Added image
Very nice image Carl I prefer the first because I find the second too bright.