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Thread: Western Adventure

  1. #21
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Glad you all like the photos.
    Brian, I'll make sure to try that when I get my computer going.
    Izzie, I still have some more from Jasper to edit along with a bunch from Banff and Yellowstone.

  2. #22

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    Re: Western Adventure

    Looks like you had a wonderful trip, Kyle. You're choice of shutter speed for the falls works well to capture the power of that type fall. Opinions differ but IMO fast shutter works better for high flow/powerful moving water and slow shutter captures the mood of gentle streams/falls.

    Yes those are coyotes. At least the ones without the people in the shot are. You can tell by how delicate the facial features are. For identification purposes I think of coyotes as a fox head on a wolf body(but smaller). It looks like the one in front has something in its mouth.

    I like your eagle shot. A bit of selective noise reduction would be helpful. Maybe a good candidate to try a B/W conversion (did I say that ).

  3. #23
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Hi Kyle,

    My favourite is the Marmot #4, simply because I love the moment captured, looking out at the world from its rocky environment (I love the rocky background), followed by the eagle (I adore the bare tree and background for the lines of trees). I also love the composition of the glacier close-up, and the first bear. (beautiful setting)

  4. #24
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Thanks for the tips Dan, I'll give them a try and see how they work out.

    Glad you liked the photos, Christina.

  5. #25
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    I went back and edited the Eagle photo based on your suggestions, Dan. I came out with 2 copies.

    This one I added some noise reduction to the background. I think it makes the Eagle pop a bit more.
    Western Adventure

    Here's the b&w version
    Western Adventure

    This is Maligne Lake. This was also taken in the dark, without tripod/monopod. This is the lake that has Spirit Island which is a 45min boat tour to get to. Unfortunately I didn't have time to get out there so this is the only shot I got of the lake. The journey out there at 10pm was worth it to see the Eagle and 2 Moose. I'm pretty happy with this image too considering it was shot at 1/20 and 800 iso.
    Western Adventure

    Brian, I've been working on edits for the Medicine Lake photo but I haven't got it quite where I want it yet.

  6. #26
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Great series here Kyle, thanks for sharing them.

    Some of the landscapes really show the clarity of the air there, are very good compositions and I suspect some more PP work could turn them into real stunners.

    As for the wolves, when you get a chance to grab shots like that it's better to get shots rather than miss them by spending time fiddling with settings.

    Now for a favourite so far, Medicine Lake.

  7. #27

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    Re: Western Adventure

    I like both versions of the eagle, Kyle. As much as it pains me to say it, in this case I may even favor the B/W. Nice job on reprocessing them.

  8. #28
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Great series here Kyle, thanks for sharing them.

    Some of the landscapes really show the clarity of the air there, are very good compositions and I suspect some more PP work could turn them into real stunners.

    As for the wolves, when you get a chance to grab shots like that it's better to get shots rather than miss them by spending time fiddling with settings.

    Now for a favourite so far, Medicine Lake.
    Thanks Grahame, I appreciate the comments. I didn't think the Medicine Lake would really be a favourite but it's turned out to be one of the better shots.

    Not too sure what else I can do to most of these in PP. I'm still learning so I've still got far to go. I'll make sure to revisit them after going through some more tutorials.

    I think Dan was right, they're not Wolves. After some research and looking at the photos again they do look like Coyotes.

  9. #29
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    I like both versions of the eagle, Kyle. As much as it pains me to say it, in this case I may even favor the B/W. Nice job on reprocessing them.
    Thanks Dan. I think this is the first b/w photo of mine that's worked out.

  10. #30
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Been awhile since I've worked on these photos. Really need to get them done.

    This is one of my favourites. My friends and I hiking Wilcox Pass in the Columbia Icefields. We could see the Athabasca Glacier and Mount Athabasca while hiking. My brother had climbed Mount Athabasca the summer before so it was really neat seeing where he had been.
    Western Adventure

    This is Mount Athabasca.
    Western Adventure

    Some fireworks celebrating Canada Day. We had hiked up to Old Forte Point which had a great view of the Jasper townsite. A local told us about the spot and after a bit of hiking my friend was too tired to go on, said we should camp there. My brother and I decided to see if there was a better spot. Luckily we did because we found a couple of people setting up a bit further up with a MUCH better view. I ran back down to get my friend and we ended up meeting a bunch of really neat people from Nova Soctia and the States.
    Western Adventure

    Not a great photo but this is Mt. Robson. It's not very often that you can see it from the top of Whistler's in Jasper (where you take the tram to) but we got there on a great day and could see it quite clearly. I believe Robson is the most prominent mountain in the Rocky's.
    Western Adventure

    My friend celebrating getting to the top of Whistler's. My brother enjoying the outstanding view.
    Western Adventure

    My friend taking a rest and my brother making the way back to him.
    Western Adventure

    Western Adventure

    Just for context this is a wide angle view from the top of Whistler's. In the first one you can see Mt. Robson. In the second you can see Pyramid mountain with the Jasper town-site just out of view to the right.
    Western Adventure
    Western Adventure

    C&C welcome.

  11. #31
    Nicks Pics's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Those are some nice photos. I think the Mount Athabasca photo has nice bold tones and colors. The squirrel is cute, and the 8th photo is a great view.

  12. #32

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    Re: Western Adventure

    Great photos and so nice of you to share! Feel like I was there with you.

  13. #33
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Interesting series Kyle, my favourite is the one of Mount Athabasca, No 2 in post 30.

  14. #34

    Re: Western Adventure

    Made my morning, thanks for sharing!

  15. #35
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Thanks Kyle for taking us through your journey via your shots. Makes me feel like being part of your group over there. Very nice shots all of them.

  16. #36

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    Re: Western Adventure

    Looking good.

    With #7 Medicine Lake, something is just encroaching in the top right corner which I would clone out.

    It would have been nice to see just a fraction more on the top of #8 Athabasca Falls, but possibly you were restricted in some way.

  17. #37
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    This one is from the top of Whistler's mountain. Mount Kerkeslin is in the background.
    Western Adventure

  18. #38
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    Re: Western Adventure

    This is Angel Glacier that sits on Mt. Edith Cavell
    Western Adventure

    This is from the drive up to the base of Mt. Edith Cavell. It's this long winding road that takes you up and down the side of a mountain via switchbacks before you eventually make it to the base of Edith. It's quite the drive. I can imagine it is quite dangerous if you take a turn too quickly.
    Western Adventure

    Sunwapta Falls. We went whitewater rafting near here and took out just before the falls.
    Western Adventure

    Whistler's Mountain with the tram station at the top. We took the tram up earlier that day and summit-ed the mountain from there.
    Western Adventure

    A big horn sheep. We went to the hot springs after a long hike and these guys invaded the area. They were even getting under peoples cars.
    Western Adventure

    c&c welcome.

  19. #39
    Kyle's Avatar
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    Re: Western Adventure

    Top of a mountain around the Athabasca Glacier
    1.Western Adventure

    A mountain on the way from Jasper to Banff
    2.Western Adventure

    The Lower Yellowstone Falls
    3. Western Adventure

    Sunset on Yellowstone Lake
    4. Western Adventure

    Mt. Rushmore
    5.Western Adventure

    c&c welcome.

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