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Thread: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

  1. #21

    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    Nicely captured.Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

  2. #22

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    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    Nice progression of images, Manfred. I liked the B/W version other than the grain effect. But the final color version is really nice. Well done.

  3. #23

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    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    The image has become excellent with your edit Manfred

  4. #24
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    Beautiful Manfred...nicely about that 2 minutes of complaining about laziness ....

  5. #25
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    It's fantastic to see a thread like this work it's way through with input from everybody. It's rare these days to get such a collaborative effort on a photo forum

    It's a good solid image to start but I wasn't a fan of the grain on the B&W version. Manfred's p.p.ed colour edit takes away the distraction perfectly and really strengthens the final image.

    Now a suggestion to Manfred - screenshots and walk through of your processing? It would be great to share this and help everybody out for future reference.

  6. #26

    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    I think the PP you did to end up with the final image is great. It's just that for me, your first, B&W was the one that worked for me. Mostly, it's her eyes, they lock on to mine and one is left to wonder what her day, and her life is like. Thus the color is both a distraction and a lessening of the impact of her eyes, expression and her face. Simply, I don't think color adds anything to the image. All the above said it is a great image with a lot of impact.

  7. #27
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    Quote Originally Posted by dubaiphil View Post
    It's fantastic to see a thread like this work it's way through with input from everybody. It's rare these days to get such a collaborative effort on a photo forum

    It's a good solid image to start but I wasn't a fan of the grain on the B&W version. Manfred's p.p.ed colour edit takes away the distraction perfectly and really strengthens the final image.

    Now a suggestion to Manfred - screenshots and walk through of your processing? It would be great to share this and help everybody out for future reference.
    Thanks for the comments everyone. As this is more of a PP workflow, I will start a separate thread in the PP section and post screen shots and a description of my workflow on this image.

    The workflow post is up now at:

    Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia - PP Workflow
    Last edited by Manfred M; 24th July 2014 at 03:25 PM.

  8. #28

    Join Date
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    Re: Young Woman at the market - Southern Ethiopia

    It's fascinating to show up after all the other messages have been posted and to see both the progress and final results in the thread. Unquestionably for me, the last version is the best and should be displayed prominently on a wall.

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