I must say this time, I'm happy with these two shots as somehow I feel I have captured two "moments" with the mimetism-like of the little child (my son) and the seagull. Buuut as I'm happy and am lacking experience, I really would like you to tell me everything that doesn't work and has to be improved as I won't see it by myself.
Please be harsh, I need to improve !
I chose nature and wildlife section instead of people and pets as I chose shots where the "child" is a neutral one so I guess this is nothing like a portrait.
Thanks so much in advance !
Shots taken with a Canon Eos 6D (I can't say how much I love my camera), with my 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens, priority aperture at f/2.8, iso 200 (and camera calculated 1/4000 for both). They are the jpg from the camera (I do have the raw files, I shoot raw+jpg), tried to post-process with DxO but finally let the original for the first one (maybe a very little unsharp mask but I'm not sure) and added a little vibrancy to the second one so that the tones match better the first picture.