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Thread: The park...

  1. #1

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    The park...

    I edited these images first with an orton effect in order to get a velvety look on the grass. I was going to upload only the modified infrared version but I added a colour version too, because Christina wanted to see a colour version of this park in my last thread.

    There is a cyanotype effect with decreased saturation on top of the infrared layer in order to cool the image.

    The park is plain with trees , grass and soil. No flowers with lovely purples and reds.. So I had to push the sliders of the selective color layer hard in order to get a strong coloured look that I have seen in the Landscape Photography book I'm reading. It has been good practise for me

    C&C are appreciated as always.

    The park...

    The park...

  2. #2
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: The park...

    I like the b&W image better. Nice job.


  3. #3

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    Re: The park...

    Someday I'll have to obtain appreciation for IR photography. Until then, I have no comments to make.

  4. #4
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: The park...

    Hi Binnur,

    I like the composition of the trees framing the shadows along the path. In this case I prefer the b&w version but likely more so without the blurry effect.

    Thank you for taking the time to show me a colour version. I guess I'm conservative and I'm in love with your naturally beautiful colour images, and now that I think of it also love your b&w seascapes.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: The park...


    You've created an Autumn effect with the color version. Very nice, a bit overpowering, but nice. I like the B & W version as well, both need a bit of light in the foreground shadows.

  6. #6

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    Re: The park...

    Thank you Bruce

    Quote Originally Posted by Digital View Post
    I like the b&W image better. Nice job.


  7. #7

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    Re: The park...

    Hi Mike It is not an exact infrared , I modified it to my taste and also applied a cyanotype effect. It was good practise for me to see how things work. I'm planning to get Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 soon because I belive that a good conversion software will help me to improve my B&W conversions. Some long exposures look very nice in B&W.The better the software is the better your images are

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Someday I'll have to obtain appreciation for IR photography. Until then, I have no comments to make.

  8. #8

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    Re: The park...

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    The better the software is the better your images are
    What software are you currently using? The reason I ask is that it's very possible that SEP2 won't make any better photos than your current software. (I have SEP2 so I'm familiar with its capabilities.) It may or may not make the post-processing of your photos more enjoyable or even more easy, but that's a different issue.

    It is not an exact infrared
    The characteristic of photography that I like the most when it comes to making choices is that nothing is exact.

  9. #9

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    Re: The park...

    Hi Christina

    The blur comes from the orton effect. I first edited the color version with orton effect and then converted it to B&W.

    For the colour version, this is the first time I have used so strong colours. Singh Ray has some special polarizing filters to create very strong colours , when I watched a video about those filters I was amazed. For the time being I'm just trying the techniques, tools and some styles but I don't have my own style yet because you know that I'm new, it is too early for that. So, I think everything will be clearer for me in the future, when I decide what to do particularly

    I have some sunset shots with sea and an old wooden pier and I have thought they might look good in B&W. I will try and upload one of them soon if it works fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Hi Binnur,

    I like the composition of the trees framing the shadows along the path. In this case I prefer the b&w version but likely more so without the blurry effect.

    Thank you for taking the time to show me a colour version. I guess I'm conservative and I'm in love with your naturally beautiful colour images, and now that I think of it also love your b&w seascapes.

  10. #10

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    Re: The park...

    I use PS CC Mike. Do you think it is good enough for B&W ? A lot of people use SEP2 and I thought it was a better option

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    What software are you currently using? The reason I ask is that it's very possible that SEP2 won't make any better photos than your current software. (I have SEP2 so I'm familiar with its capabilities.) It may or may not make the post-processing of your photos more enjoyable or even more easy, but that's a different issue.

    The characteristic of photography that I like the most when it comes to making choices is that nothing is exact.

  11. #11

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    Re: The park...

    Thank you very much for the encouraging comment John I'm a bit under impression of some strong coloured landscape photos and some videos that I have seen recently. You are right about the FG shadows. It comes from the orton effect, you use a softlight blending mode for the effect and the darks become much darker. I have brightened them already but obviously they need some more brightening

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    You've created an Autumn effect with the color version. Very nice, a bit overpowering, but nice. I like the B & W version as well, both need a bit of light in the foreground shadows.

  12. #12

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    Re: The park...

    I can assure you that nothing SEP2 does can't be done using PS CC. People have been converting (as opposed to desaturing) to make fabulous monochrome images using Photoshop long before Nik first produced SEP and long before Photoshop had advanced to its current state of development.

    If you prefer the SEP2 interface such as its Selection Control Points (I love them!) or if you find the learning process shorter or more enjoyable, either situation could alone justify the purchase. If that's the case, one could understandably argue that you will make better monochromes because you enjoy the entire process more using SEP2. Even so, if that's the case that's you making better images, not the software.

  13. #13

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    Re: The park...

    I see your point Mike, thank you very much for warning. I usually feel myself close to softwares ,may be because of my job before retirement. It is better to try it first before deciding to buy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I can assure you that nothing SEP2 does can't be done using PS CC. People have been converting (as opposed to desaturing) to make fabulous monochrome images using Photoshop long before Nik first produced SEP and long before Photoshop had advanced to its current state of development.

    If you prefer the SEP2 interface such as its Selection Control Points (I love them!) or if you find the learning process shorter or more enjoyable, either situation could alone justify the purchase. If that's the case, one could understandably argue that you will make better monochromes because you enjoy the entire process more using SEP2. Even so, if that's the case that's you making better images, not the software.

  14. #14
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: The park...

    I liked both; i think the border is a bit too heavy; please re-post one with a narrow border and i think that will change the mood of the image; thecolor image has a Monet painting look- i am very passionate about his style, impressionism

  15. #15

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    Re: The park...

    Do you mean both borders Nandakumar (B&W and colour) ?

  16. #16
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: The park...

    Interesting work Binnur, I find the colour version quite pleasing.

    Manipulation of images to these extents is something I have never attempted, I'm still trying to get the basics somewhere near correct


  17. #17
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: The park...

    Thank you for sharing. I have no doubt that I will learn a lot from your exploratory journey, which should make the use of filters much easier for me (once acquired)

    Sunset shots with the sea and an old wooden pier.

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    Hi Christina

    The blur comes from the orton effect. I first edited the color version with orton effect and then converted it to B&W.

    For the colour version, this is the first time I have used so strong colours. Singh Ray has some special polarizing filters to create very strong colours , when I watched a video about those filters I was amazed. For the time being I'm just trying the techniques, tools and some styles but I don't have my own style yet because you know that I'm new, it is too early for that. So, I think everything will be clearer for me in the future, when I decide what to do particularly

    I have some sunset shots with sea and an old wooden pier and I have thought they might look good in B&W. I will try and upload one of them soon if it works fine.

  18. #18

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    Re: The park...

    Thank you Grahame, I'm glad that you liked the image. I'm actually just exploring and trying things as a curious student

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Interesting work Binnur, I find the colour version quite pleasing.

    Manipulation of images to these extents is something I have never attempted, I'm still trying to get the basics somewhere near correct


  19. #19

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    Re: The park...

    Christina , I will look for the video I watched about singh ray filters through internet tomorrow and I will upload the link for you. I think it will help you to have an opinion about filters. It is too late now and I have to go to bed, please check this thread tomorrow for the link

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Thank you for sharing. I have no doubt that I will learn a lot from your exploratory journey, which should make the use of filters much easier for me (once acquired)

    Sunset shots with the sea and an old wooden pier.

  20. #20
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: The park...

    I am so glad I didn't miss this thread, I really like the first edit, it is stunning.
    The second - whilst its not a style or treatment that perhaps one would print for the is truly stunning in its own way.
    It may not be to everyone's taste, but it is a great example of attempting & learning different techniques.
    I also agree re the borders, particlulary on this one, the white border/frame detracts from its appeal for me.

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