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Thread: Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

  1. #1
    ClaudioG's Avatar
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    Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

    Ok...narrowed it down between these 2.... Has anyone used both or heard good or bad reviews on any of these? The price difference is quite big. As I say IQ is tops for me.

    Any and all advice welcome please!

  2. #2
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

    Used a UWA before? Rented one? I'd check the focal length range and how it will work for you first. And don't discount the Nikon 10-24 or Sigma 10-20 in the equation either (the variable aperture, not the fixed aperture which is an 82mm filter thread and therefore maybe more expensive if you already have filters)

  3. #3
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

    I own the Tokina and am very pleased with work that it produced. Phil is wright though, go to a shop and try them, take a few test shots, but be fair buy the lens from them!

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

    I have the Tokina and used it a lot when I was mainly shooting the D90. Back when I bought it, you could only use autofocus when your camera had a built-in focusing motor, but Tokina released a version with an internal focusing motor, so even that iminor issue has gone away. The lens performs very well and is extremely sharp. You can get some flare when shooting into the sun. Build quality is better than Nikon's consumer line.

    The main negative is the relatively short zooom range.

    I looked at both lenses when I was in the market; and the Tokina seemed to get better reviews than the Nikon. I believe the Nikon is an older design.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

    As Phil states do not count out the Sigma 10-20mm, when I use my D90 or D7000 that is the lens I most often use, when using the D600 it is the Nikkor 16-35mm f/4, you can guess that I like the wide angle.

    Cheers: Allan

  6. #6
    jordand's Avatar
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    Re: Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

    These two are Tokina samples:
    Alternative Point of View
    Wide Angle
    And a link to an old thread:
    Tokina 11-16mm 2.8 lens

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Tokina 11-16 or Nikon 12-24

    I am not an ultra wide photographer but, I use a 12-24mm f/4 Tokina Mk1 and like it quite well. I have not been bothered by the flare with this lens that many photographers complain about. The 12-24mm f/4 Mk2 supposedly has addressed the flare problem.

    The 12-24mm f/4 Tokina (Mk1 or Mk2) is a relatively inexpensive lens which is a good value. It produces great imagery and is built like a tank...

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