Very nice images Mike. It's nice to see that our wives continue to show us seasoned photographers up with their crafting of images....
A couple of lessons you have taught is with these two images:
1. B&W is a great way of shooting in conditions that are not good for colour work. After all clouds are gray and shades of grey are what B&W is all about; and
2. Getting up close is another way of avoiding the grey sky and the diffuse lighting actually is put to the photographer's advantage.
Completely agreed, Manfred, especially about our wives. There's no question that my composition is the easier one to find in the scene. My wife nailed the composition in a difficult situation.
Hi Mike I like the images. I can see that you left some empty sky because you didn't want to crop the top of the trees. I don't like the cropped sky very much but I think there is nothing else to do for such a shot. May I ask what the way to shoot such a scene without sky at all is ? From a higher place, by holding the lens downwards ?
Love your shot Mike and I like the composition of your wife's shot but I must admit that I wonder why you chose such a high key presentation? There is part of me that wants to see it bit more contrasty so the grasses really pop. Did you try that and reject it? Is, so please enlighten me as to why
My wife may have been able to find a composition that worked with no bushes or trees going above the horizon, but I doubt it. I was flabbergasted to realize that she got such a good composition and doubt that I would have found it myself. Shooting from a higher position would have been the ideal solution but lacking a very tall ladder or aircraft, that was not possible in this particular area.
I don't consider it a high-key look; instead, I consider it a relatively low-contrast look that for me fits the mood. I accomplished it mostly by including very few areas in Zone 1 and hardly any tones in Zone 0. I did try a look with the normal amount of contrast, dynamic range and pop and it was all wrong for me.
Both lovely, but I absolutely adore the 2nd image. Exquisite and a wall-hanger for me.
Beautiful captures. Image #2 is my pic. It's simplicity is elegant.
Thank you to Christina and Irene for your admiration of the second image. I've had an image like that in mind for years and years and have never come across such a scene in the right light and water until now. Even so, I had to do some careful cloning to remove a leaf and its reflection pertaining to another grass plant growing to the right.
Last edited by Mike Buckley; 27th July 2014 at 11:19 PM.