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Thread: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

  1. #1

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    What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    I have a friend who will have access to two bride dresses in the near future. So we can try to get some shots for fun and practice.

    This location was one of the places I might consider trying the experiment in.
    I also asked a friend in my photoclub he diddent like the location, he tought it would be better in a field filled with flowers.

    I liked this location because its more uniqe than a flower filed. But i want to hear what you guys think? If i am the only one who likes the location i should perhaps try to think of somthing else.

    The picture i attach is just from a quick test with my camera and a softbox.

    So what do you think of the location? And i could also use some thougts about the lighting and processing? Is she to bright etc?

    What do people think of this location for a photoshoot
    Last edited by teigas; 27th July 2014 at 01:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    I think it depends on what you are trying to shoot. Nice landscape shot, but likely too much competition for a wedding dress shot. Your viewer is going to be confused between the model and the gorgeous landscape. Is that what you want? If you are shooting fashion or a wedding, you want a setting that complements, rather than competes with the primary subject. That doesn't mean there aren't any suitable locations at that site, it's just that the view you are presenting wouldn't work for me.

    My second question would be about safety; it looks like a long way down.

  3. #3

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Agreed with everything Manfred mentioned. Though I know this kind of landscape can be very safe, if the viewer has the impression that it isn't even when it is, that makes the viewer uneasy and makes them have distracting thoughts.

    I realize the lighting is just a quick test, but it makes it appear as if you have inserted the subject into an image separately captured.

  4. #4

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    I agree with Mike about the lighting it appears almost as if you shot her with a green wall then inserted her into the background. I would do some more tests with the lighting.

    Cheers: Allan

  5. #5

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Thanks for all the feedback. Its perfectly safe, it a hill we are standing on. I see what you mean with the lighting, i used one sofbox directed at her from the right above. What could been done diffrently to seperate her more? Not used the flash at so high power?

    I wanted to try out this place because it was more uniqe than a field of flowers or for example a forest location. But i see your point the landscape and the location are really nice. Does everybody means that it would not be a good idea to try the photo session there?

  6. #6

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Quote Originally Posted by teigas View Post
    Does everybody means that it would not be a good idea to try the photo session there?
    You could try using a small depth of field that blurs the scene and you could use a fairly tight vignette that darkens it and draws attention to the subject. Those ideas might work but the current idea doesn't work for me.

  7. #7

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Add me to the your subject the "dress" or, is it the background?

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    I definitely think you can make this work, with a bit of effort and skill. You are already using an (off camera?) flash with a softbox; great this will be what gets this to work for you.

    Set up your exposure so that the background is one to two stops underexposed; with a shutter speed at or below ths synch speed of your camera. Adjust ISO and aperture accordingly. Remember that if you are using a studio light, you may have to shoot at a slower shutter speed than the published sych speed. This will darken the background, so that it does not compete with your model in the wedding dresses.

    Now, set your flash power so that the model is properly lit. Using a flash meter is the easiest way to nail this, but trial and error works too. You may find that you will have to shoot with a ND filter (likely in the 1 to 3 stop range), to get yourself enough control for DoF; I expect you will want the background out of focus.

    The result will be a nicely lit model, and a darker, but soft background. I look forward to seeing the results of your shoot.

  9. #9
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    To my eye, the white dress is in major competition against the water background. the dress (which I assume is the main subject), does not stand out enough to draw your eye to it.

  10. #10
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    I think your idea would work provided you utilize the landscape and lighting in most favorable way. I think your big problem will be getting a white dress to work in all situations.

  11. #11

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    I would certainly prefer a field filled with flowers , because that would make a better composition

  12. #12
    truonda's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Some people already said it. I found myself looking at the background much longer than the model.

  13. #13
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Agreed with everything Manfred mentioned

  14. #14
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    I think as long as you have access to a model and some dresses you should go for it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Use your own judgment as well as Manfred’s suggestions and see what you come up with.

    That way you could assess for yourself what may or may not work with this backdrop and why after you get your exposure/DoF dialed in.

    If you had some good shots to show future brides it would be good. In the final analysis it really doesn’t make any difference what we think it will be the bride that makes the call and having some nice examples is helpful.

    I would find it difficult to believe that there are not multiple good locations in the area you are showing (maybe down closer to the lake?). Its a gorgeous area. I would shoot all I could while the shootin’ was good with the model and dresses!

    The one thing I would certainly not do at the location you are showing is position the model exactly where she is presently. Her head is just right in that cloud/snow field such that it looks like the field emanates from her head.

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Quote Originally Posted by teigas View Post
    I have a friend who will have access to two bride dresses in the near future. So we can try to get some shots for fun and practice.

    This location was one of the places I might consider trying the experiment in.
    I also asked a friend in my photoclub he diddent like the location, he tought it would be better in a field filled with flowers.

    I liked this location because its more uniqe than a flower filed. But i want to hear what you guys think? If i am the only one who likes the location i should perhaps try to think of somthing else.

    The picture i attach is just from a quick test with my camera and a softbox.

    So what do you think of the location? And i could also use some thougts about the lighting and processing? Is she to bright etc?

    What do people think of this location for a photoshoot
    With correct lighting (and you'd need lots of it) - it's something that might work at the right time of day (eg sunset), but other than that, I think shooting here will make the job harder for you to pull off. Please don't get me wrong - there are worse locations, but there are also many that are a whole lot better.

    My suggestion is to narrow your field of view - wide angle and bride are not something I'd shoot there.

    Try Googling bride photos and see what others are doing that works.

  16. #16

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot


    If you're shooting for fun and experimenting, hey, why not.

    But if................................................ ..............
    then, I'd go with Manfred.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    I think it depends on what you are trying to shoot. Nice landscape shot, but likely too much competition for a wedding dress shot. Your viewer is going to be confused between the model and the gorgeous landscape. Is that what you want? If you are shooting fashion or a wedding, you want a setting that complements, rather than competes with the primary subject. That doesn't mean there aren't any suitable locations at that site, it's just that the view you are presenting wouldn't work for me.

    My second question would be about safety; it looks like a long way down.

  17. #17
    juznobsrvr's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post

    My suggestion is to narrow your field of view - wide angle and bride are not something I'd shoot there.
    Colin is perhaps right. But I think one can still use a wide angle on the shoot like this. It just have to be shot real close to your subject. Perhaps have your model sit down or lay on the ground. Then shoot low and close. I've had modest success using this technique on my wedding shoots. My two cents worth.

  18. #18

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Quote Originally Posted by juznobsrvr View Post
    Colin is perhaps right. But I think one can still use a wide angle on the shoot like this. It just have to be shot real close to your subject. Perhaps have your model sit down or lay on the ground. Then shoot low and close. I've had modest success using this technique on my wedding shoots. My two cents worth.
    It certainly can be done -- I just think it comes under the category of "why make the shoot harder than it already is?", as it's not a particularly pleasing shot in it's own right - so I can't see that adding a "bride" is going to improve it - I think the opposite is more likely to occur in that the background will drag the shot down.

  19. #19
    juznobsrvr's Avatar
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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    It certainly can be done -- I just think it comes under the category of "why make the shoot harder than it already is?", as it's not a particularly pleasing shot in it's own right - so I can't see that adding a "bride" is going to improve it - I think the opposite is more likely to occur in that the background will drag the shot down.
    Cheers, Colin. Wasn't trying to trump your post. I thought the whole point of the photo op was to shoot bride dresses using the location. Anyway, I think of Joe McNally on something like this. He tends to use wide angle quite a bit on his portraits.

  20. #20

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    Re: What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Quote Originally Posted by juznobsrvr View Post
    Cheers, Colin. Wasn't trying to trump your post.
    Yep - understand that.

    I thought the whole point of the photo op was to shoot bride dresses using the location.
    I might have got the wrong end of the stick then - I thought the model/dress was a given and the big question being "was this a good place to shoot them".

    Anyway, I think of Joe McNally on something like this. He tends to use wide angle quite a bit on his portraits.
    Yes - he does. This is one of my favourites of his in that regard:

    What do people think of this location for a photoshoot

    Keep in mind though that that location is a bit like me and Sebastian Vettel driving a Formula 1 car ... Seb can make it look good - for my level of driving I'm far more likely to impress in my Honda Accord!

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