It's a nice image. I enjoy looking at it. The rocks, hills with greenery, water, clouds, light etc are all very nice. As far as your questions regarding composition and the person: I did not notice the person right away. Personally I feel like there are some other ways that you would include the person that would be a bit more effective, in my own opinion. The obvious option would be to make the person larger in the image. However, they could be made to stand out more while still keeping them the same size. A few ways to do that would be done while shooting - one, they could wear something that contrasts with the surroundings. Two, they could be positioned in a way that they stand out from the background so that you see their shape more, by moving the person or camera angle, for example so they are in front of the water instead of rocks. Also, they could be more recognizable as a human by having them stand up or in some way not look like part of the landscape. Also, dodging the person and opening the shadows on them would bring them out more.
I'd personally like to have the person and hillside farther to the left, and show more of the ocean and sky to the right. I think moving the camera to the left a lot more so you are more behind them and having them against the ocean would be more effective (but still having them and the rocks to the left in the frame). Then we would also feel more like we are there with them and see what they are seeing.
Overall a nice image. Good processing, I think.
I think Matt has just about said it all. I noticed the person reasonably quickly but she was so inconsequential to the overall scene (both in size and brightness) that she was not a distraction. If she had been more dominant I would definitely be doing a moan about the central position.
The strong diagonals of both shadow and form were grabbing my full attention. Matt has covered most other comments I would have made and the only thing that I would suggest is toning down the sky to increase the mood even more. Certainly a great scene.
noticed something but wasn't sure if it was human. My eyes tended to start at the trestle and work my way around the image. The ghostly looking rocks really grab my attention, so much that I see this as more than a sunrise. Nicely done.
I like the image as it is. If it helps the person sitting was reasonably visible almost at once but this image to me is all about its entirety.
I agree with everything already said except that the person doesn't work for me and that I have no need to move the camera to the left or to darken the sky. The mood and texture are superb!
Shane...I want more of the sea, the ocean...the person I saw right away but it is so small it did not matter much. Matt pretty much said that needed to be said so I will go back to my cave now...![]()
Hi ShaneVery nice image, I would actually thought the person was a dog at first sight
and he/se is so small that it really doesn't matter as Isabel says. So, you have a lovely image here. I would try to get some more detail in the sky to see if it works better because the sky is quite nice with clouds too.
Beautiful image, one of my favourites of yours.
I love the deep shadows on the rocks & mountain! The person just adds a little surprise when looking at the image, I like that! If you move the camera more to the right, you would lose the beautiful deep textures of the rocks & mountain. About all I'd do if I was lucky enough to take a beautiful image such as this, is perhaps darken the sky so that the clouds stand out more. But again, that's personal taste, and this is a winner!
I also cannot tell that is a person. I think if the person was important to your composition, then they need to be more visible/identifiable. But if they were just in the way of you taking the image, then clone them out or leave them as it's not really a distraction from the beautiful tones and feel of the scene. In a perfect world, I would have liked more ocean too but I suspect there is a reason you couldn't move more that direction. I think it is a very nice image.
It's beautiful as is. My eye starts a the water's edge in the foreground and travels to the distant horizon. I like the interest in the sky/clouds.
Thank you everyone! I appreciate the feedback as always.
Like Carol said, I viewed the person asHowever, she was a stranger and not posed there but caught my eye due to the rim lighting around her hair and body. I do agree that her positioning and lighter color clothing could have been better but sometimes you get what you get. I could clone her out but now the image just looks funny to me without her in ita little surprise when looking at the image
For those who suggested darkening I did tone things down a bit but anymore really caused the the glow in that corner to become mismatched with the rest of the scene. Is there a way to retain the glow or was this just an aesthetic choice?
I had a similar issue when I tried to add more detail to the sky as I found that the clouds began to compete with the rest of the scene so I left them with minimal editing.
As far as adding more ocean and clouds there are two reasons why there aren't more...there was a cliff just to my right that would have been in the frame and the most interesting clouds are already in the scene and the sky became mostly blank off to the right.
Thanks again!
Hi Shane, I'm late again.
That has to be a lovely place to sit and watch the sun come up and I wonder if you have tried capturing this scene a bit earlier?
As for the girl, well sometimes there will be someone in the view you do not want and if lucky you may be able to use them. In this instance is she there watching the other half who's fishing?
I like it.
Never too late GrahameYou are the only one who noticed the other person out on the point but I don't think that they were together. Just a lone girl enjoying the sunrise.
This shot was captured about 30 minutes after the sun crossed the horizon. To be honest I was having a hard time setting up a composition prior to that because I couldn't envision what what going to happen with the light. Not to mention that I had to use my iPhone flashlight to climb down/around some of those rocky ledges just to get to the location which is trek that is a bit precarious during full daylight! I will bring a better flashlight next time!
Shane, also get yourself one of those cheapo led head lights, they are fantastic in those circumstances not only for lighting your path but for seeing the dials. But whatever, safety is the main concern.
I was surprised Izzie never spotted him but I suspect she was too busy looking for aliens in the rocks
I heartily endorse Grahame's recommendation. Most lights allow you to choose at least two settings -- one that narrows the beam of light and projects it farther in front of you and one that widens the beam of light and projects more downward so everything close to you is lit. Putting it on your head also frees up the hand that you would otherwise use to hold it, making it easier and safer to walk on difficult terrain.
Hi Shane, you have captured a nice scene here. I think I have visited this spot and may even have an image of that bridge. Oops back to your image, I'm currently view via a tablet so apologies if my comments influenced by my viewing device.
I think the image needs a slight anti clockwise rotation to level the ocean horizon. I suggest a slight crop off the top so that the hill side is at the top left corner. With such a vast scale as you have here the people within it very small in comparison but...they are there so they deserve to remain. Maybe a little more contrast in the sky? You've captured some nice light and colour in the bottom left quarter.
Congratulations on clambering down to make this image, well done, if it is where I think it is I stayed on the side of the road 😉
Thank you Mike and Grahame for the headlamp tip. The last time I went I wore a cap which was a big mistake as I think I spent more time chasing it in the wind than taking pictures before I gave up and attached it to the side of my back pack. Then I was left with windblown hat head which is a girls worst nightmare!
Izzie you do have quite the imagination and a very unique take on the world![]()
Peter, this image was taken from Lana'i Lookout which is near the Blow Hole and Hanauma Bay on Oahu's eastern shore. Thank you for pointing out the horizon - I thought I had it straightened but upon looking more closely you are correct and now I can't miss the slant! While I take care of that I will look again at the contrast in the sky and the crop and see if I can make some slight changes there.
Thanks again to everyone for their kind comments.