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Thread: Another Competition

  1. #1

    Another Competition

    Here is one picture of many from a dance competition yesterday. I am putting this out here to see what you guys would do as far as post processing. I have tried some basic stuff, but I really think that the background is just too noisy and very distracting and takes away from my main subject, which is the dancer. Feel free to work your magic if you feel so inclined.

    Another Competition

    D5000 35mm prime lens 3200 ISO, 1/125 f2.8
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 29th March 2010 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Remove extra IMG tags

  2. #2

    Re: Another Competition

    I just put up an album with some more pictures of this competition. I will try and add some more when I have time, I certainly have enough pictures....
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 29th March 2010 at 09:53 PM. Reason: add hyperlink to album

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Another Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Warren View Post
    Here is one picture of many from a dance competition yesterday. I am putting this out here to see what you guys would do as far as post processing. I have tried some basic stuff, but I really think that the background is just too noisy and very distracting and takes away from my main subject, which is the dancer. Feel free to work your magic if you feel so inclined.
    Hi Warren,

    Wrote this once and lost it when I viewed the picture

    I agree with your diagnosis on this picture, you seem to be quite a way back for that focal length; is a longer lens and a closer shooting position possible? It may give the chance of some bokeh, rather than everything sharp as here.

    The first two shots of the lad in the album are much better - I think #1 is an excellent crop of this image.
    Unfortunately, the girl is always 'going away' from us and leaving the frame, which sorta detracts.


  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Another Competition

    I agree with Dave, the dancer is lost within the frame. If you can get a good crop of her with the circular sparkle behind her you will have a better composition. The lettering will be somewhat of a distraction.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Another Competition

    Suggested crop.
    Another Competition
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 29th March 2010 at 11:22 PM.

  6. #6

    Re: Another Competition

    Unfortunately I am as close as I will ever be able to get. I was using a 35mm prime lens. That was the cheapest lens that I could by that would give me the lowest fstop. I am looking into another lens, but really need to 'control' my spending, since, after all, this is just a hobby of mine...and there is no way that I will recoup any money spent. I was hoping that I might be able to crop enough to get a good picture, but I think I may need at least a 50mm prime lens....since I do not think that I can afford anything with a zoom that has an fstop of under 2.

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Another Competition


    Do you have a camera store near you that will rent their lenses? I have one near me that will rent a lens for $100.00 a day. If I were to rent one I would have a day of shooting planned to get the most out of the rental.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren View Post
    Unfortunately I am as close as I will ever be able to get. I was using a 35mm prime lens. That was the cheapest lens that I could by that would give me the lowest fstop. I am looking into another lens, but really need to 'control' my spending, since, after all, this is just a hobby of mine...and there is no way that I will recoup any money spent. I was hoping that I might be able to crop enough to get a good picture, but I think I may need at least a 50mm prime lens....since I do not think that I can afford anything with a zoom that has an fstop of under 2.

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