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Thread: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

  1. #1

    This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    I took this photograph on my office, using Canon 450D and Lens Kit.

    I thinks there's to much red on the sky, but I can't reduce it...

    This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

  2. #2

    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment


    Your VERY first DSLR shot. It's actually pretty good. And you didn't exactly choose an easy subject in a night shot. The red is probably from some of those street lights. I did an edit to reduce the saturation of just the red and yellow channels. Do you use Photoshop? I just selected a hue/saturation layer (or you can do it from the menus on IMAGE/ADJUSTMENTS/HUE/SATURATION) SDelect the red channel and reduce the saturation, then do the same for the yellow channel. Don't use master channel or you will desaturate all the colours. You can do it selectively be using a selection tool first to pick out the areas and feather the edges. I hope you don't mind me posting the edit - it's just to show the effect. Not sure I made a very good job of it as it looks a bit green now! But I'm sure you can try it for yourself.


    I couldn't see the EXIF data but it helps with shots such as this to use ISO100 setting.

    I like your avatar. May I ask where you got it from?
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 30th March 2010 at 06:43 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    Thanks Mr. Rob.
    I'm using photoshop . I've tried to use saturation adjusting but It looks a bit green, but I realized that my photograph was full-fill with a red fog. Your modified photograph is helpful for me. I'm searching using your help with a gradient layer( i try to create a smoothly change from red to blue in the sky ).

    I resized and saved this photograph in MS Paint, may be this removed EXIF data. ISO was 400 when I took this shot
    My avatar is simply a smiley icon, I added "boko" on his teeth for fun

    I've tried one, for you . Please not angry

    This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment
    Last edited by boko; 30th March 2010 at 06:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    Quote Originally Posted by boko View Post
    I resized and saved this photograph in MS Paint, may be this removed EXIF data.
    Yep, I'm pretty sure that would do it

    Welcome to the CiC forums Boko.

    As Rob says, a good first picture of a tricky subject.
    You've just got to remember to downsize before you exit from PS next time

    Cheers, Dave

    Quote Originally Posted by boko View Post
    My avatar is simply a smiley icon, I added "boko" on his teeth for fun

    You're gonna need a smiley with more teeth to fit "carragwen" on
    but I guess you could always do "Rob" though


  5. #5

    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    Quote Originally Posted by boko View Post
    I've tried one, for you . Please not angry

    Thank you so much for the avatar, but I'm afraid I couldn't possibly use it... (note to self: wonder how much he wants?)

  6. #6
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    You can see now the kind of place you came to Boko.
    Funny, kind but serious at the same time.

    I also welcome you. You did a nice avatar for Rob.

    No, no, I don't want one for me. Thank you.

  7. #7

    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    You can see now the kind of place you came to Boko.
    Funny, kind but serious at the same time.

    Yes, we are very serious!!

    This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment
    Last edited by carregwen; 31st March 2010 at 07:23 AM. Reason: changed wording

  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    Very nice photograph. I think the red might be a reflection from your office, as you scroll down you can see shades of green also.

  9. #9

    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    Yeah thanks, I know that your comments are serious , But they're good for new one like me. Thanks for accepting my edited avatar (just using for a moment).

  10. #10
    Crabbe's Avatar
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    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    Boko - watch out for these guys (and gals) they have a weird sence of humor. It may be your first DSLR but not your first time with a camera in your hand. I'm looking for more. BTW, I have used Photoshop7 since it came out and still am barely at first base.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: This is my first photo on D-SLR, please give me a comment

    hi, nice picture
    saturation is a little dramatic i think, use the dodge tool or selective color (orange will do fine i think)
    anyway, welcome and gl and hf here

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