Unless you have tried manually focusing using live view with a hight enough magnification to see the focus at the sensor pixel level I doubt if you realise just how critical it is, Black and white as used here is great for showing up problems. The main problem with focusing like that is that often the manual focus on AF lenses is rather coarse but it can be done and can also be used to check the focus accuracy of a lens and camera.
Rather than use such long exposures I would probably use flash at max sync speed for a test like this.
That focus test I linked to produces results like this with an accurate focus. In fact by comparing the bulls eyes it's possible to see that the lens was slightly out of square to the PC screen showing the target. Some lenses may generate more bulls eye patterns,

This was taken with a 180 view 16mm full frame lens to check the focus scale on the lens. It was about 1/2 a line width out. Not enough to worry about at normal apertures and distance ranges that a lens like this is normally used. However at the sort of distance this test was done at the scale would give a slightly out of focus image. The lens being discussed is being tested at relatively short distances.