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Thread: It`s all about details

  1. #1

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    It`s all about details

    This is one of my firsts attempts on nude.

    I`d like comments specially regarding the B/W processing.

    It`s all about details

  2. #2

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    Re: It`s all about details

    Your photo isn't posted properly so isn't visible. Just as well. If you are going to post photos such as nudity that some may find objectionable, you should indicate accordingly in the title of the thread. As a simple courtesy to others

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: It`s all about details

    Don't worry Dan a naked hand and foot is not going to offend most people...

    Rodrigo B&W photographs in general need a solid black and a white or very near white. Your photograph would present better if the contrast was increased considerably.

  4. #4
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: It`s all about details

    Hi Rodrigo,

    Personally i find that if the image is posted on here it makes it easier to comment because i can scroll up to the image make a coment and go back for another look until im certain that what im writing is what i actually want to say.

    Of course Dans comments about stating nudity in the title of the post is polite, but a hand and foot picture would hardly mean nudity to most folk.....

    so to your picture, i love the composition and the shot has lots of potential L. Paul has hit the nail on the head about contrast, but its more than just that. If you increase the contrast it will help but in my opinion youve not quite got the light correct, you need a more film noir style for it and theres to much irrelevant detail in the background, shadows from what i think is a chair leg ect. Also for this sort of study i thing some attention to the finger nails would help, it seems a study of elegance of form and so some more classic feminine nails would help, abit longer and manicured , that sort of thing. Maybe a slightly higher angle to the heel to give a better shape / angle to the ankle?

    I know it seems im being picky but i really like the concept, Youve definatley got the makings of an excellent idea for an image here. All you need to do is refine it. Well done.

    Personally i dont generally reply to, or give C&C for people who constantly post links to other places rather than putting their images on here, its too much hasstle.

  5. #5

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    Re: It`s all about details

    Hi Rodrigo Your image on flickr is so small that it is difficult to see it properly and make a comment on it.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: It`s all about details

    Nice composition, a bit of dark mass to the left could be eliminated.

  7. #7

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    Re: It`s all about details

    Thanks everyone for the replies.

    Sorry about the image uploading itself, but somehow the link I've posted previously seems to be not quite right.

    Dan - Thank you. I do mind not offending anyone, that's why I've chosen this specific shot from the study. But I'll surelly post a caveat in future threads;

    L.Paul & Mark - I understand the lack of contrast feeling. The whole thing was shot using flash guide light only, for experimenting. I'll do some new PP in order to try to make it better.

    PS: Below you'll find the picture properly uploaded.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8

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    Re: It`s all about details

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Don't worry Dan a naked hand and foot is not going to offend most people...
    Nor is it nudity to most of us. All I saw in the OP was the little red X indicating a bad link. I rarely click on links and didn't in this case else would have commented on the oddity of calling the photo nudity at all. But the comments still apply. I'm personally not offended by nudity however nor am I particularly interested in the genre from a photography perspective. So a heads up in the title is still appreciated so I can save the time for other threads to which I may make some meaningful contribution(though I realize that's questionable).

  9. #9
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: It`s all about details

    Rodrigo - I did folloiw your link and did some browsing on your Flickr page, and you have some fine works posted there.

    This one doesn't do all that much for me, both as how it is presented and how you processed it. My eyes dart to the foreground, the small dark areas in the upper left of the image and then over to the area above the model's heel; in other works, everywhere other than the hand and the foot. While the lighting is quite dramatic, it doesn't really affect me emotionally. Technically, I'm not quite sure the image is even in focus.

    Perhaps my tiny mind is missing something?

  10. #10
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: It`s all about details

    "Technically, I'm not quite sure the image is even in focus."

    This is the first thing I noticed, is that the image seems "soft". I think if the subject was sharp, it would stand out more.

    BTW, if this is considered nude; then I'd better go put some socks on!

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