As always I'm working on my bird images. I'm happy with these, especially for the backgrounds and light, but continually learning.
f/8 Matrix Metering Focal Length 500 mm (the only variable was my shutter speed)
ISO 1600 (low light - denoised the water in all the images)
Mystery Duck SS 1 /2000 (cropped a little off of the back end so it wasn't so centered)
Pigeon Guillemots
Not cropped yet because I'm always hesitant/unsure where to crop images with ripples in water.
SS 1/2500
SS 1/1250
- Can anyone identify the duck? I've tried with no luck yet.
- Should I crop the reflection of the 1st Guillemot? ie; the reflection is so/so
- Any comments on the 3rd Guillemot... Yes, incredibly cute but ?
Thank you.