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Thread: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    This is a miscellaneous group of photos displaying some of the details one comes upon when walking around the fishing villages of Lofoten.

    Photo 1: wooden pedestrian bridge
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Photo 2: knotted
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Photo 3: ramped up
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Photo 4: Who took the level?
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Photo 5: racks that dry fish in the winter drying clothes in the summer
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Photo 6: cookie-cutter rorbuer
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages
    That, I think, is an excellent image.Only a photographer who thinks and sees in pictures would have realised there was a image in that scene.

  3. #3
    Kodiak's Avatar
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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    I would extend your comment, Donald, to most of the shots of this cool reportage of his trip!

  4. #4

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Another great set, Mike. I love this type of shot of details that catch one's eye while walking about.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Nicely captured and captioned.

  6. #6

    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Good to see your B&W take on similar matter that I saw in Iceland, Mike. I'm curious why you picked the particular ones you did for colour, and not #6? #5 might have worked in B&W, given the contrast in textile colours.

  7. #7

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Thank you, everyone!

    As nice as it is to see comments about my "photographer's" approach to travel scenes, my own take is that the photos in my threads about Lofoton are mostly like a travelogue and less like really serious photography. If seeing my photos inspire some people to go to Lofoten or make them wish they could some day go there, my travelogue has been successful.

    My and my wife's most important goal while traveling is to experience travel; photography takes a back seat to that. As an example, in 10 days of being in Lofoten we only planned twice on being at particular places when just the right light was expected to occur. Even then our planning wasn't as effective as it should have been if photography had been the most important goal.

    Having said that, I do get a kick when coming upon a scene such as the building in photo #3 that Donald likes. When all the other tourists walking past it were not even noticing it, I just had to photograph it because I knew it would make the kind of monochrome image that I like because of its simplicity.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 8th August 2014 at 06:21 PM.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    More great shots Mike; I'm getting that travel itch again looking at your work.

    I'm almost certain the the brother of the person who installed the mail boxes in #4 worked on my house. Not a lot of true right angle corners and walls that are actually perfectly plumb to be found.

  9. #9

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Quote Originally Posted by LocalHero1953 View Post
    I'm curious why you picked the particular ones you did for colour...[and B&W]
    I make those choices mostly in the context of my post immediately prior to this. Sometimes the color is needed to convey what someone experiences in Lofoten, such as the red robuer that are classic Lofoten. On the other hand, despite that the last photo in this thread displays robuer that are red, I chose to make a black-and-white image to reduce everything in the buildings to the sameness of size, lines, layout and monochrome tones. That sameness clearly indicates to me that these particular robuer were surely built reasonably recently for use by tourists and were never intended for use by fishermen.

    Just my way of looking at a scene.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 8th August 2014 at 04:33 PM.

  10. #10

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Very nice series

  11. #11

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    ....I'm almost certain the the brother of the person who installed the mail boxes in #4 worked on my house. Not a lot of true right angle corners and walls that are actually perfectly plumb to be found.
    Must have been done by a boat carpenter. No need for square, plumbob, nor level when working on a boat.

  12. #12

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    This is a miscellaneous group of photos displaying some of the details one comes upon when walking around the fishing villages of Lofoten.

    Photo 4: Who took the level?
    Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages


    " what is - is......................"

  13. #13

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages


    Like others I am a fan of your eye in #3, #5 has me thinking of The Sound of Music for some reason but my favorite of the series is the last shot of the row of rorbuer.

  14. #14

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Thanks, Shane! My favorite is also the last one and I have now decided to crop it ever so slightly on the left side to make the display of that rorbu more similar to the corresponding rorbu on the far right. It was especially helpful that the cloud pattern complements so nicely the panorama format.

  15. #15
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Hi Mike,

    Somehow I missed this. Very interesting and a delight to view. My favourite is #6, especially beautiful!

    I'm also very fond of #7, followed by #3.

  16. #16

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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Thanks, Christina, but there is no #7.

  17. #17
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Lofoten, Norway #13: details of the fishing villages

    Oops... I scrolled through the images using the arrow... #7 is Donald's quote. I thought they looked similar.

    Thank you for sharing your images of your trip, as always a pleasure to view and learn from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Thanks, Christina, but there is no #7.

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