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Hi all,
I got a Canon G11 for Christmas and have been learning about photography, and recently came across HDR / tonemapping. I bought Photomatix (I only have Photoshop Elements beyond that and the regular Canon software). I've played around with the Photomax software a bit on bracketed photos and thought I'd put up one of my photos for comments. Let me first say that while I appreciate all types of HDR and tonemapped images, I find myself mostly avoiding very surrealistic representations and preferring a final photo that is more on the realistic side with enhanced shadows and highlights.
This is a photo of a wedding reception in a neat old building, taken from the balcony. The lighting was interesting because there were a lot of incandescent bulbs in the cieling and along the walls, but there also was colored spotlignts pointing in the room. As a result, some tables picked up more of the colored light than others. Also, because there were a lot of people ghosting was a big concern but I was surprised at how well Photomax handled it. I actually only had 3 of the people in the image where ghosting was apparent - interestingly each of the ghost images came from 1 of the exposures. What I did to correct that was take the tonemapped image from Photomatix into PSE along with the matching single exposure and matched lighting in it as best as possible, then used a layer mask to 'solidify' the ghosts and then flatten the image. My last processing was to use Noiseware to clean / soften it. Anyway, here it is, any thoughts will be appreciated.