Nice capture, I think the sunglasses overpower the image in its detail.
yes john i agree. cloning those out is beyond my pp skills though, maybe someone can tell me how to get around it?
It's not that they need to be removed, only toned down as they appear to be the sharpest element within the photo. Perhaps you could apply a slight blur or reduce the tonality. If they were on his face it wouldn't matter because they would direct the viewer towards your subject's eyes even if they weren't visible.
Thanks John now i understand, ill see what i can do, thats probably where the focus point was! and why the eyes looked soft OOC.
Great image Mark, especially with the edit!
Hi MarkI like the edited version. I find the the thin white frame a bit distracting I would only use the black border. I also tried darkening the leaves behind the man just a little bit on my laptop and I think it helps the man to stand out more. The writing on the black border is a bit small, I can't read it easily. BTW are you still on the same boat and in Turkey?
Thanks John, David and Binnur,
Ive made the edits that youve suggested I think Colin who is a retired ships captain will like this and il print it out for hoim when im home, it was shot on his little polaroid point and shoot, i was trying to show him how fill flash worked... if there was one time i would have argued that the camera doesnt make the photographer that would have been it! it was a truly awful piece of equipment
Quite how i managed to get this subject OOF im not quite sure......
I dig his look. The catchlight gives him a penetrating look. Coupled with the "Mona Lisa" smile, wrinkled forehead, tense shoulder, he is probably curious and thinking, "Hey Mark, do you know what you are doing?" Love it.