Hi Clive it looks like a very interesting but harsh landscape. Overall it looks over exposed and to me the white balance seems a bit off.
I like the foreground lead in but the trees and dominant hills are inline and the composition may have been improved by taking a photograph from about 20 paces up the right hand side. This would have placed the three trees at the left of the big hill rather than directly in front.
If you visit there often it looks as if you have almost limitless photographic opportunities. Be great to see with low lighting.
I agree with L.Paul and am envious that living in Botswana you have beauty like this on your doorstep. Look forward to seeing some more of both places.
Hi L.Paul. Thank you for the feedback and just the sort of comments I'm looking for. I will revisit the WB and exposure, mid-day I find difficult. My camera setting WB was daylight and left it in Lightroom PP. My composition is a bit off.
Thank you Kaye for viewing.
Were you trying to eliminate shadows in this shot? No shadows in your shot on a sunny day is a good indicator of overexposure; provided there's something to create a shadow.
If I am reading the EXIF data correctly it is indicating an exposure compensation of +1 which would explain the over exposure.
Last edited by pnodrog; 11th August 2014 at 07:49 PM.