Having sat in the wagon at the seafront waiting for the rain and cloud to clear late afternoon I was just about to give up and go home when I spotted this red bird coming in quick to land nearby.
A quick panic brain search whilst driving the 30 seconds to the location and a change of settings from my landscape set-up got me these in a rush just as it was off again.
All taken with Shutter priority (should have been slower), Auto ISO, Spot metering, AF-C and BBF.
Not as good as I would have liked but an exercise in previously unused photographic brain data retrieval
No 1 - 1/250s, f/4.2, 38mm
No 2 - 1/250s, f/4.5, 44mm
No 3 - 1/250s, f/5.3, 120mm
Comments and suggestions welcome as always.