Ohhh, I really like this one!!! I wouldn't change a thing, as far as I can tell!
Wonderfully atmospheric Binnur, its great as is but im just wondering about the 3/4 rocks spoiling the glassy surface of the foreground water, cant help but think it would be cleaner without them.
i think it looks great binnur
Looks great to me too.
If I can't be sure if this is really a sunset or a sunrise…
I know for sure that this is a great piece of work!
One more for Binnur!
Only one suggestion: the promenade (or what ever it is called) is in its whole length
confused with the opposite shoreline. Have you scout for a PoV the might detach it
Last edited by Colin Southern; 19th August 2014 at 10:59 AM.
Terrific image! Well done!
I like Daniel's suggestion; in lieu of a nearby rise, take a very tall ladder next time.
Nice, I like the fade to black.
A nice shot Binnur. It certainly works well.
Is there any particular reason you decided to go B&W on this shot? The main reason for my asking is that sunrise / sunset shots are often taken becuase of the beautiful colours we see then, and you have decided to ignore them.
Lovely capture Binnur, I was thinking the same as Daniel about separating the pier from the horizon then it would be a brilliant image well done you!
Thank you Bobo, I'm glad that you liked it
[QUOTE=Bobobird;439082]Looks great to me too.[
Hi Manfred, I'm glad that you liked the image I think I'm under the impression of Lee Frost. I have read some of his articles and I have seen some of his B&W images with water and powerful skies. So, I wanted to give it a go. I like exploring and trying different things as a part of my learning curve.
I also like it Binnur it really emphasises the reflections on the water but I see it's going to be a challenge separating that pier from the horizon.