Hey Shawn,
Groovy is the matching colours of the subject and its background.
Groovy is your clever composition and adequate exposition.
Groovy is the shallow DoF and the soft tones.
Not so groovy is the PP artefacts I think I'm detecting in the background.
Not so groovy is the FP on the base on the subject instead of the head.
I like this kind of shots… if you say you couldn't move the stones, then
you did not place the quarter there.
Last edited by Colin Southern; 19th August 2014 at 10:58 AM.
Don't worry about the stone, nicely done.
You’re right I did not put the quarter there. I’m not big on setting up shots before hand. I’m more of a grab the camera and just start walking style. The world is full of wonderful shots that are already set up for us so why not use them.
I have to agree with you on the focus. It would have been nice to get the subjects head in focus, however I was having to balance awkwardly just to get the shot in the first place and I didn’t want to trespass on the persons property just to get a better photo.
Last edited by Colin Southern; 19th August 2014 at 10:58 AM.
I like the shot Shawn, you might as well crop some of the rock on the left , I tried cropping it in the light box from the two curves meet each other on the rock and it seemed fine
Inflation! -- it cost a quarter now for my thoughts, eh? Nice capture ... good find.